Hi Salandpen,
Technically, its not really part of the plugin nor its support to help you style your page. Ad King Pro gives you the ability to get the adverts onto your page and tracks clicks for you. Generally its up to you how they look on a site.
With that said, It would seem that the Ad King Pro banner containers line up perfectly with your other ones. Its because all your other ‘ads’ that are using a text widget and have a span in them with a 15px padding left.
You could simply add the following to your stylesheet to mimic the inline styles you have on your spans wrapping the other ads in the text widgets:
.adkingprobanner a {
padding-left: 15px;
This was easily found by using the inspector in Google, something I think you should be familiarising yourself with. If you not a developer, then this should/would have been easily discovered by your site developer.
I can’t stress enough that the plugin is NOT here to help you style your site. Its purpose is to provide you with functionality to enable you to display and track adverts on your site.
I hope this you get it sorted.