It took a couple of hours but I traced the adsense code not sticking to the adt_get_option procedure as defined, included here for illustration.
if ( ! function_exists( ‘adt_get_option’ ) ) :
function adt_get_option($Aoption_name, $default = null)
return strip_tags(stripslashes(get_option($Aoption_name, $default)));
An earlier version that was working lead me to the ‘strip_tags’ wrapper used for options retrieval to prevent query injection.
It had the unintended side affect of also stripping out the adsense code as well.
Copied adt_get_option code to adsense_get_option, removed the strip_tags and replaced the original call with the new one for the adsense tags in the options page, functions.php and it now works, code, tags included, loads properly.