• Plugin Author M.Sc. Denis Golovin


    Some people stated that the image upload for the ads are broken. We are investigating on this issue. If you have the same issue, please report:
    1. which browser you use
    2. if 1.0.3 is a fresh install or you updated from an earlier version
    3. any additional information which you think is of interest

    If you do not have a www.ads-software.com account, you can also write a mail:


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  • Any news?

    1. Chrome (latest)
    2. no .. updated 1.0.3 now
    3. it worked .. before (i don’t know before what).

    Any idea?

    Plugin Author M.Sc. Denis Golovin



    we still can not reproduce the error. However, we will release a new version very soon. We hope that this fixes the issue. If not, we will of course provide support to fix the issue.

    1, Chrome Version 48.0.2564.97 (64-bit)
    2, New install. Version 1.2.0
    3, Works on localhost


    1, Chrome Version 48.0.2564.97 (64-bit)
    2, New install. Version 1.2.0
    3, It worked before this update – please help!

    Plugin Author M.Sc. Denis Golovin


    Can you try to deactivate UAM and then activate it again and check if the creation of a new advert works?

    It did not help ??

    Plugin Author M.Sc. Denis Golovin


    Can you please update your version to 1.2.1 and check if the error still remains?
    If so, can you provide a screenshot?

    Sorry, same problem. Link screenshot

    Plugin Author M.Sc. Denis Golovin


    OK, I think one symlink is missing in your uploads folder. The symlink has to be located here: wp-content/uploads/uam
    And it must link to: PATH-TO-WP/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-ads-manager

    Please check if this symlink exists and if not, you need to create one (as described).

    I have installed the plug on two different hosting. The plug will not work on any of them, only locally .
    wp-content/uploads/UAM is okey and the links to the /wp-content/plugins/ultimate- ads-manager.

    I get this error in my Consol:
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)


    Plugin Author M.Sc. Denis Golovin


    sorry, the symlink’s name is ‘uam-pipe’. If you set it up everything should work.

    Why is this even in the uploads folder and why would you use a symlink? All you are doing is creating portability problems and there is zero reason to have it in the uploads folder imho.

    Plugin Author M.Sc. Denis Golovin


    Hi MACscr, it is in the uploads folder, because most servers allow requests there (this is not necessarily given for other folders).
    It is a symlink, because you do not have to copy/move files when a new UAM version is installed.

    And why we use a redirection in the fist place? The plugin is called ultimate ADS manager, which will also occur in the file-request urls and will be blocked by the AdBlocker plugin.

    However, I see your point and we also think that this is not a convenient solution. We will implement an existence-check in the next release, so this issue should not occur anymore.

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