Hi @svengalichimp,
Thanks for your inquiry.
Dear user, we don’t have ADA compliance now, but you can try this solution.
To open the lightbox please add the below JS code, in a JS file which will not be updated, your theme may have such a section for custom JS. If it doesn’t have you can install such a plugin that allows adding custom JS there are some free such plugins available.
jQuery( ".bwg_lightbox .bwg-item0, .bwg_lightbox .bwg_slide, .bwg_lightbox .bwg-carousel-image, .bwg_lightbox .bwg-title1" ).on("onkeypress", function ( event ) {
var that = jQuery(this).closest('a');
if ( !bwg_touch_flag ) {
bwg_touch_flag = true;
setTimeout( function () {
bwg_touch_flag = false;
}, 100 );
bwg_gallery_box( jQuery( that ).attr( "data-image-id" ), jQuery( that ).closest( '.bwg_container' ) );
return false;