• Resolved gjefle


    Hi – I’ve been using your plugin for several years on various websites. But lately when doing checks for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance (using the WAVE compliance checker), I have been getting missing form label errors on the “hidden” voting frame. The missing form label errors are for:

    <input type=”text” name=”sl” id=”goog-gt-votingInputSrcLang”><input type=”text” name=”tl” id=”goog-gt-votingInputTrgLang”><input type=”text” name=”query” id=”goog-gt-votingInputSrcText”><input type=”text” name=”gtrans” id=”goog-gt-votingInputTrgText”><input type=”text” name=”vote” id=”goog-gt-votingInputVote”>

    Sometimes these errors show up and sometimes they do not, and this happens on several different websites.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance!

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by gjefle.
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  • Plugin Author edo888



    There is no point adding any labels on hidden elements, since they are going to be hidden always and never appear.

    If you do not want to have such errors you can upgrade to our paid version: https://gtranslate.io/#pricing

    Thanks! ??

    Thread Starter gjefle


    It also does not hurt having labels on hidden elements, especially when they are not truly hidden and show up when scanning the websites. Our clients are required by law to have ADA compliant websites, so this seems like a small thing to correct.

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