you could add the following to your theme’s functions.php (or alternatively into a dedicated plugin – up to you)
replacing all instances of _mygateway
with whatever you want to call it (i.e perhaps CHECK or something)
function wppizza_register_wppizza_gateway_mygateway( $gateways ) {
$gateways[] = 'WPPIZZA_GATEWAY_MYGATEWAY'; /* gateway class name */
return $gateways;
add_filter( 'wppizza_register_gateways', 'wppizza_register_wppizza_gateway_mygateway' );
/**must start with WPPIZZA_GATEWAY_**/
@type : string( must NOT be empty)
@param : gateway version number
public $gatewayVersion = WPPIZZA_VERSION;
@type : string (must NOT be empty)
@param : string
gateway name
public $gatewayName = 'My Gateway Name';
@type : array
@param : options of gateway
public $gatewayOptions = array();
@type : string (can be empty)
@param : string
additional description of gateway displayed in ADMIN area
public $gatewayDescription = '';
@type : string (can be empty)
@param : string
default printed under gateway options FRONTEND
can be changed/localized/emptied in admin
public $gatewayAdditionalInfo = '';
@type : bool
@param : bool
enable discounts on usage (rather than surcharges)
public $gatewayDiscount = true;
@type : bool
@param : bool
automatically enable on install
public $gatewayAutoEnable = true;
but recommended
@type : string
@param : 'prepay' or 'cod'.
omit or set distinctly to "prepay" (i.e for cc's and other payment processors)
set to 'cod' to simply have another payment option that works like the wppizza inbuilt cod payment
public $gatewayType = 'cod';
* [construct]
function __construct() {
[get gateway options]
$this -> gatewayOptions = get_option(__CLASS__, 0);