Various way to do that, for example, since fp generally are only only in home, you can add this to your child theme functions.php :
add_action('__before_fp', 'add_divider_bar');
function add_divider_bar(){
echo '<hr class="featurette-divider '. current_filter() .'">';
and style it with:
(in this case the featurette divider will be a child of .container-marketing, the featured pages container)
or if you want to place it a between the two blocks you can use this
add_filter('tc_slider_display', 'add_divider_bar');
function add_divider_bar($html){
if ( ! tc__f('__is_home') )
return $html;
return $html.'<hr class="featurette-divider '. current_filter() .'">';
and style it with .featurette-divider.tc_slider_display
, or also, considering that the slider is hooked (if you didn’t change it) to __after header with priority 10:
add_action('__after_header', 'add_divider_bar', 15);
function add_divider_bar(){
if ( ! tc__f('__is_home') )
echo '<hr class="featurette-divider '. current_filter() .'">';
and in this case: .featurette-divider.__after_header
. But to make this more general you should also do some check on the slider existence. Of course in your case you already know you use it, so you don’t need these checks ??
But to be honest, among this last solution and the second, I will choose the second, ’cause it’ll be sure the divider will be displayed after the slider, and just when it exists