@adeelkhan actually I think you are not correct. Think this feature is just a little bit of more work than you are used with this plugin ??
1. All competent paid plugins have this feature. This plugin is one of the only ones that does not have this feature. Even Fastest cache have this feature.
2. It is not a redundant feature, and its really useful for e-commerce websites. We need those categories and products pre-cached otherwise loading times go up.
3. IF you think that “Delete cache” would interfere with crawler, just program it so that crawlers are restarted everytime user clicks “delete cache (some platforms like Magento have this built-int). This shouldn’t be too hard as you state that this plugin is highly-tuned for Cloudways platform.
4. We are expecting this preload feature for some time, otherwise you must know this will always be a “B option” caching plugin, even on your platform. I think most people just go with other caching plugin because they don’t want to bother (300k installs could probably be 500-600k if some details would be polished out).
5. Also you are missing Breeze in WordPress toolbar on top with a feature ‘Delete cache for this page’, so we don’t have to purge the whole cache always.
6. WPML integration to purge specific language or page on specific language would be nice. Now it just flushed everything. Imagine you have 5 languages with 500 products and no preloading option. Damn.