• Resolved Jesse T.


    The recent version of this plugin I find extremely disappointing because it adds the chat function to the entire site automatically.

    I would prefer to not have this and only add the chat function on a “Contact Us” page.

    Could this be an option that is made available? Could even be with a shortcode. I really miss this from the previous version of the plugin.

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  • Plugin Author Facebook



    Thanks for the feedback. The Chat plugin is currently applied to all pages by default. You can however customize it to only showing it on specific pages that you want.

    In order to do that, you will have to leverage WordPress function “is_page” and only load the plugin only on pages that you want.


    Here are the steps:
    – Find the plugin file (facebook-messenger-customer-chat.php)
    – Edit Plugin
    – Add an if condition to indicate the page you want to show the plugin. https://prnt.sc/tjrtvc

    Hope it helps.

    Facebook Team

    Thread Starter Jesse T.


    Thank you for the quick reply, but couldn’t this be something that is best to add as a function within the plugin? This way users do not need to edit the plugin’s code and chance breaking something on a future update?

    Plugin Author Facebook



    Thanks for the feedback. We will consider adding this customization in the future version of the plugin. In the meantime, the above steps should unblock you for now.

    Facebook Team

    Thread Starter Jesse T.


    Wonderful! We have used your plugin on hundreds of sites for the last 2 years. It is one of our most used plugins!

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