• Resolved cousinr


    I found this code snippet. which, as I understand it, adds attribute values to the field (178-179 rows):

    echo empty( $product->fields[ $field ] ) ? ' ' : $product->fields[ $field ]; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped

    How do I add a <span class=” ‘attribute name slug’ + ‘attribute value slug’> for attribute values in a table?

    For exemple:

    <tr class="pa_blablabla different odd">
        <th>Bla bla bla</th>
    <td class="odd product_9860"> - </td>
    <td class="even product_9992">
        <span class="blablabla-red">Red</span>, <span class="blablabla-green">Green</span>
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by cousinr.
Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Support Andrea Grillo


    Hi there,

    in which file you find this code?

    Thread Starter cousinr


    Plugin Support Andrea Grillo


    Hi there,

    ok, now I understand the request. You should try to override the template in the theme and change this code in this way (or something similar):

    echo '<span class="attribute-' . $field . '">' . empty( $product->fields[ $field ] ) ? '&nbsp;' : $product->fields[ $field ] . '</span>';

    To override the template on your theme simply copy this file: https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/yith-woocommerce-compare/trunk/templates/compare.php in wp-content/themes/your-theme-folder/woocommerce/compare.php.

    Let me know if works.

    Thread Starter cousinr


    thanks for the code snippet you shared. But unfortunately this is not what I had in mind.
    Your code helped to achieve this attribute-blablabla:

    <tr class="pa_blablabla different odd">
        <th>Bla bla bla</th>
    <td class="odd product_9860"> - </td>
    <td class="even product_9992">
        <span class="attribute-blablabla">Red</span>, <span class="attribute-blablabla">Green</span>

    But I need to get this: blablabla-red, blablabla-green and more… I need ‘Blablabla’ (from ‘pa_blablabla’) + ‘-‘ + ‘slug value’.

    <tr class="pa_blablabla different odd">
        <th>Bla bla bla</th>
    <td class="odd product_9860"> - </td>
    <td class="even product_9992">
        <span class="blablabla-red">Red</span>, <span class="blablabla-green">Green</span>


    Plugin Support Pablo Pérez



    Please use this code instead:

    $attribute = get_term_by( 'name', $product->fields[ $field ], $field, 'ARRAY_A' );
    if ( $attribute ) {
         echo '<span class="' . $field . '-' . $attribute['slug'] . '">' . ( empty( $product->fields[ $field ] ) ? '&nbsp;' : $product->fields[ $field ] ) . '</span>';// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
    } else {
        echo empty( $product->fields[ $field ] ) ? '&nbsp;' : $product->fields[ $field ]; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped

    So this code checks if it’s an attribute and will get the slug of term, creating the span that you requested.

    Let me know if it works in your site.

    Plugin Support Iván Sosa


    Hi there,

    Since we have not received a reply on your side, we will proceed to set this inquiry as resolved. However, for further assistance, do not hesitate to open a new thread.

    Have a great day!

    Thread Starter cousinr


    Hi @pperez001,
    I apologize for the long absence, our region is very turbulent right now.
    I have nothing worked out. Could you please write exactly what to replace with your code?

    Plugin Support Pablo Pérez



    You just have to replace the part my colleague sent you:

    echo '<span class="attribute-' . $field . '">' . empty( $product->fields[ $field ] ) ? '&nbsp;' : $product->fields[ $field ] . '</span>';

    With the one this other:

    $attribute = get_term_by( 'name', $product->fields[ $field ], $field, 'ARRAY_A' );
    if ( $attribute ) {
         echo '<span class="' . $field . '-' . $attribute['slug'] . '">' . ( empty( $product->fields[ $field ] ) ? '&nbsp;' : $product->fields[ $field ] ) . '</span>';// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
    } else {
        echo empty( $product->fields[ $field ] ) ? '&nbsp;' : $product->fields[ $field ]; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped

    Let me know you encounter any problem and have a great day.

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