Let me get back to you on this one in a bit. Looking around to see what I can find.
]]>– Open a new post with Gutenberg.
– Click on the gear icon from the menu, upper right corner.
– Select Document.
– Open the Discussion menu item.
You should see this:
EDIT: The above screen shot is the toggle for comments and ping backs, not social sharing options. Still looking.
]]>Please add your ideas about this in a comment. Specifically these two:
1. https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/7602#issuecomment-403610367
2. https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/7602#issuecomment-403617489
The social sharing button is just an example, my point is that I, as a plugin developer, be able to add a toggle for any custom action linked to my post. Like if my plugin is a plugin that replaces all the occurences of “apple” in the article to “orange” I would like to give the option to my user to be able to tick a box like “convert apple to oranges [x]” and if it’s ticked the plugin will replace apple for oranges, if not, it won’t.
Basically I want to add a custom option related to my plugin directly on the editor.
In the older editor I used post_submitbox_misc_actions to add my custom checkbox but now it doesn’t exists.
Below is a screenshot of how this checkbox looks in the “classic” editor :
Thanks ??
]]>Any update on this ? All I could find on development ressources were how to add blocks.
]]>It’s not possible to manipulate this area (at this time at least), Daniel’s been very good at keeping that repository up to date so far.
For now, your best alternative is likely to create your own sidebar panel for this. I found https://richardtape.com/2018/10/05/add-a-custom-sidebar-panel-to-gutenberg/ to be a good writeup on this to help get you started at the very least.
On a side note, its somewhat mind blowing that the first bug report dealing with custom post status entries not appearing in the UI was posted 9 years ago…
]]>This is another users topic from more than 5 months ago, and as such it’s not the best place for ongoing discussions. As such I’ve closed it to avoid needless notification emails going out to the old participants of the thread.