To add a date, you’ll need to edit this file:
Find this section:
foreach($posts as $post) {
$post_id = $post->ID;
Directly below it, add:
$post_date = $post->post_date;
Find this section:
if($permalink!='') {
$html .= '<h2 '.$smooth_slider_css['smooth_slider_h2'].'><a '.$smooth_slider_css['smooth_slider_h2_a'].' href="'.$permalink.'">'.$post_title.'</a></h2><span '.$smooth_slider_css['smooth_slider_span'].'> '.$slider_excerpt.'</span>
Using HTML and the $post_date variable, add the date somewhere within that code. I added mine after the </h2> tag and before the <span> tag.
There’s some similar code in the following ‘else’ statement. Consider adding your date there too.
If you want to add the author, do a similar thing using $post->post_author.