Here is more on how the Listing Manager software works. (FYI – also known as Realty Manager where the employees are agents and the teams are real estate listings)
The software is normally loaded into a folder on the ftp site. This folder contains a folder for the user pages, a folder for the team (listing) pages, a folder containing the cgi scripts, a folder containing the flat file databases and another containing the page and admin templates.
The user list is dynamically generated when you visit Each person has alink to their personal page on the list that is generated on this page or by visiting The same goes for the teams or listings when visiting
I can move the page templates anywhere I want on the site as long as I enter the correct information in the CMS admin pages. Thus I could set up or They suggested moving the templates to the templates folder for my WordPress theme. I built a WordPress template page with the Listing Manager codes in the boddy of the page and ended up with error codes. I mentioned this to them and they said it was beyond their php abilities.
Technically what happens is that the pages called at hiccups on the first WordPress code in the header. I modified the header so it had static rather than dynamic code and it ran them fine but hiccuped on the dynamic WordPress code in the page. I can hardcode the whole template and it works fine but I loose the dynamic ability of WordPress on those pages.
As a second test I removed all of the WordPress code and ran just the code from the WordPress theme directory and it pulled up the lists correctly. Its a problem with the template pulling both the Listing Manager code and the WordPress code.
Any suggestions for a plugin or method by which to make the code work?