• I have a theme Stuio 960 – from Theme Forest. It support featured images on POSTS but not PAGES. I have looked through lots of documentation online, here and the authors help, which is more about making pages and layouts etc. Not reconfiguring the code.

    From what I read adding this;

    add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );

    to the functions file should do what I need, and hey presto it does suddenly the Add Featured Image option box shows on the left hand side and when you add an image to the page. So far so good.

    Except even though each page shows with a featured image the featured image is not shwoing in their carousel on the homepage only POSTS with featured images.

    So my questions are;
    1) What next???
    2) Is there a distinction between featured images on POSTS and PAGES in the code?
    3) The Theme Authors code seems to have the code for featured thumbnails in a seperate php file and it pulls it into the Functions file. So I think adding the “add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );” whilst giving me the option to add featured images on pages is not passing that info onto the theme.

    I can give you the relevant link to the test siote on request and maybe even pass the code over to show you what is happening.
    This is my first posts and I am usually fairly good at figruing stuff out but I just think this is a little more advanced than my knowledge base thusfar. So any useful help would be appreicated. Also point out the obv. if I have overlooked something feel free to make really simple suggestions as I do not claim to know even 1/10th of the coding in WordPress. Any help or pointers is gratefully received.

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  • I’m having the same problem. I’m using I’m using Firefox 3.6.18, WordPress 3.2.1, Theme Pilcrow. My theme has the line of code
    add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ ).
    Further down in the function code it has the comment:
    /* We’ll be using post thumbnails for custom header images on posts and pages.
    // We want them to be 940 pixels wide by 198 pixels tall.
    // Larger images will be auto-cropped to fit, smaller ones will be ignored. See header.php. */

    My featured image is the correct size so why does it not display on the page?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I solved my problem.
    The default header size was 990×257 set in the functions.php for the Pilcrow theme. I changed this to 990×150 (had to replace functions.php in the pilcrow theme since WP now picks this up for the Theme/Header default size(I think) rather than having a functions.php in my pilcrow-child theme.)
    Set up my own custom header, then on individual pages I use SET FEATURED HEADER and use pictures with the 990×150 size and hey presto, it works.

    I did not mess with any thumbnail stuff since I was trying to manipulate headers.

    I really wish people would submit solutions to this forum when they get things to work!

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