Hi @delanataylor
Please share this Gist with your developer https://gist.github.com/nikitasinelnikov/1f50cc41a745409aef8fff074e7d661c
There is a code that provides the functionality for adding custom fields to the company details and to the job details field sections.
As I understand that “Compensation” and “Experience” are multiselect custom fields.
So please copy wp-content/plugins/jobboardwp/templates/job-submission.php template file to the wp-content/themes/{child-theme-path}/jobboardwp/job-submission.php path.
After that please edit this copied file. The example from Gist but with your fields
/* insert after this line:223 in job-submission.php*/
$sections['job-details']['fields'][] = [
'type' => 'select',
'label' => 'Compensation',
'id' => 'compensation',
'options' => array(
'entry' => 'entry level',
'minimum' => 'minimum wage',
'salary' => 'salary',
'required' => true, // set true if required
'value' => {see Gist how to properly get the value for your custom field},
$sections['job-details']['fields'][] = [
'type' => 'select',
'label' => 'Experience',
'id' => 'experience',
'options' => array(
'low' => '0-2 years',
'medium' => '5-10 years',
'required' => true, // set true if required
'value' => {see Gist how to properly get the value for your custom field},
Discuss more specific location, display, and tasks with your developer. He/she will understand more about how to do it. I hope this helped.
Let me know if you have other questions,
Best Regards!