
    I’ve been dealing with getting this plugin working on a site. It had problems right after installing, and since then the problem has been snowballing.
    When it first installed, I got a debug notice about an error on install.php line 7. Furthermore, every time I loaded the file manager (via frontend shortcode and admin backend), for a brief second after the loading animation stopped, the Add File button would appear and then disappear, and stay missing.
    HTML source showed this:
    <a href="#upload" class="sp_cdm_add_file hide_add_file_permission" style="display:none";>Add File</a>
    Anyway, I looked around and couldn’t find information on this specific problem so got to looking under the hood for a temporary workaround.
    I have the Add File button back now, but would like a permanent, actual fix.
    Side note: during my digging around I noticed that the plugin created a bunch of tables in my DB that are ISAM, whereas all the other tables in my WP DB are INNODB. Could that mixture be the cause of all this?


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  • Thread Starter OMP


    So after days of digging around and testing, I discovered that another plugin (EWWW Image Optimizer) was causing this problem. In the EWWWIO plugin’s Conversion Settings tab, the option: “Alternative WebP Rewriting Uses output buffering and libxml functionality from PHP. Use this if the Apache rewrite rules do not work, or if your images are served from a CDN,” when checked would cause SPCDM’s file manager Add File button to disappear and display a bunch of code right about the file list pane, leaving the loading animation in a loop.
    Unchecking the option, the SPCDM UI is functional again. Posted about this issue at EWWWIO’s support page too, in the hopes that you guys could connect and sort it out.

    Hey, I’m the developer for EWWW IO, and Cecil asked me to take a look. Most often, the problems are caused by invalid html, and I’ve found a bit of that in SPPDM (this is all from shortcode.php):

    Lines 379-383: a <div> cannot be inside a <p> as they are both block-level elements

    Line 713: there is a closing </span> tag but no starting <span> tag

    And now to the one causing the actual problem, according to https://www.jibbering.com/faq/faq_notes/script_tags.html#hsETO

    Officially an HTML parser is required to take the first occurrence of the character sequence “</” it finds after the opening script tag as marking the end of the script element. In practice browsers seem to be a lot more lax and only terminate the script section when they encounter the character sequence “</script>”.

    On line 138, change the closing tag to <\/div> and problem solved.

    Thread Starter OMP


    That’s some great detective work there, NoSilver. I can confirm that the errant page did at some point display a random “>”, at the early stages of the problem.
    Thanks so much for looking into this. I trust and hope that the devs at Smarty Pants make note of this and act on the invaluable help you’ve provided.

    Plugin Author smartypants


    This is being updated in the latest release today

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