Add filter hook suggestion to
This plugin works perfectly in 3.5.1 and a lot of plugins, tested on clean install. Thanks, please keep it alive.
In conjunction with ex Upload plus, or other plugins that cleans up the Media titles or manipulate the same, I had to add a filter hook to your upload.php file. Quite useful and works fine for a long time. Woluld like to see this as a permanent solution.
The situation is, for readers, this plugin works directly with the database, and bypasses all hooks, exept one. Thats fine, but the title manupilation after replace and search, adds a lot of dashes and lowercases, and breaks the flow/ behaviour from other plugins and filters.
This is my suggestion, in En M replace plugindir/upload.php
$new_filetitle = preg_replace('/\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($new_file)); $new_filetitle = apply_filters( 'enable_media_replace_title', $new_filetitle ); // New line at 123 in plugindir/upload.php
In your Theme functions.php, I added a filter manipulation, similar as Rename Title after Upload plugin.
function ua_sanitize_file_title($title){ $char_array = array(); $char_array[] = '-'; $char_array[] = '_'; $char_array[] = '~'; $char_array[] = '+'; $title = str_replace($char_array, ' ', $title ); $title = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $title); $title = str_replace(array('.jpg', '.tiff', '.jpeg', '.tif', '.png', '.bmp', '.gif'), '', $title); $title = ucfirst( strtolower( $title ) ); return $title; } add_filter( 'enable_media_replace_title', 'ua_sanitize_file_title');
Another suggestion is to use the revision shortcode in the edit attachment screen.
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