• Resolved stas0238


    ?Thanks for the great implementation of many different filters/action in your Elementor plugin that allow for many developers to make their own extra features like add custom shape dividers for section -> https://gyazo.com/7398f8fbec0eaa9e061f2d4a7ad307d5.?I noticed that you have a filter for shape dividers that allow us (developers) to push new shape but I didn’t find the filter that would allow us to push a new mask shape like here -> https://prnt.sc/1j1ti8zEhrz-. ?For me I want to add few ?prebuilt? shapes included in my project so that shapes will be much more different to choose from.

    ??What I ask you is to add filter just like you have for shape dividers ‘elementor/shapes/additional_shapes’ -> https://prnt.sc/3rcUkSowC-ta but also for widget mask kinda (‘elementor/masks/additional_masks’ / ‘elementor/masks/additional_mask-shapes’) -> https://gyazo.com/c0b39f46db270e89a007618c89e8d259.??I am sure it is not hard for you to add such filters that will give us possibility
    to add many more customization options of masks.

    ??Regards, @stas0238

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by stas0238.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by stas0238.
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  • Hi,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    Does the custom option not fitting your needs?

    I will add your request for extra options for the mask using a divider.

    Thread Starter stas0238



    Custom option is good but as I wrote before I would like to add own prebuilt shapes in my theme for my customers.

    For me I want to add few ?prebuilt? shapes included in my project so that shapes will be much more different to choose from.

    So custom option is not what I would like to have because it will not be logical for my needs. (I repeat for you one more time that I want to make simple way for my customers to choose from list but not sending them few svg files and write steps of how to …)

    Thanks for understanding !
    Regards, @stas0238


    As I have stated we only have the options you see and customs.

    I have listed it so we can add more options to that widget in the future.

    Thread Starter stas0238


    Thanks !

    Will you be able to add more options in next update (if so then when it will be) or should I wait about a year (like in previous questions I asked you) ?

    Regards, @stas0238


    Unfortunately, it is not up to me but our developers, we do try and add as many as we can and have new features with each update.

    Thread Starter stas0238


    Hello @talmo,
    Thanks for answering globally but I am very interested if you (developers) add those filters I asked in the very first question. If you add them then I will be able to implement my own mask shapes using ‘add_filter’ in my project. Otherwise if you are not planning to add such filters then just answer me that WE will not add such filters for the next year/2years.

    I want to know if I should wait for your filters added or should I look for fully different workaround to add my own shapes globally (just as you have masks on each widget).

    Please, just give me an answer on the main question but honestly. I will wait few days if you need to contact with your developers to ask them.

    For this time I will remark this topic as ‘not resolved’ yet.

    Regards, @stas0238

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  • The topic ‘Add filters to modify widget masks list’ is closed to new replies.