Add Gallery Page is Blank
Ever since I updated to WP 3.5, only on one of my sites will the Add Gallery page not show up. It just turns up blank. I deleted and reuploaded all of the files in the admin folder for the plugin but it still doesn’t work. I have 3+ other wordpress websites that use Nextgen gallery and they did not have this issue.
I am using the beta version on a live site and nothing resets, nothing refreshes and all of my option save.
Plugins I am using:
BAW Login/Logout
CUstom CSS For Page And Posts (CCSS)
Gravity Forms
If Menu
Share This
The Events Calendar
Theme My Login
User Switching
WooCommerce DPM Gateway
WOrdPress Importerand the theme I am using is called
BONFIRE found on Theme forest.
It’s not my site, its a site built for a friend.
Also tried the beta version on a few other sites and no issues. I can screen shot verify if needed.
I setup another site that is on 3.5 and has no plugins and it DOES refresh for me. It also refreshes on a site with plugins so I’m pretty sure that has no barring on what is going on.
I can screen shot verify as needed too … ??
I’m having the same problem. FIX THE PLUGIN. There are many “fixes” but none work. If you do not, I am going to lose a VERY good customer over this stupid plugin. Once it is working I’ll make sure not to update it!
kevinAre you reading these photocrati? I’ve spent 3 days looking for a fix. Nothing.
@photocrati – As a plugin author i have had a snowball thread like this occur once for my plugin as well. ?? What is a “snowball thread”? several totally different and unrelated problems are all being added to 1 thread. They may all be related as far as jQuery goes, but each individual person’s problem could be related to a different issue/problem – a particular theme they are using or a plugin or a combination of plugins. jQuery is of course the most likely source of the issue since WP 3.5 made significant changes to jQuery which affected several plugins and several themes.
So for anyone who is posting here you should check for updates for any plugins or themes that use jQuery. When i did my testing NextGen worked perfectly fine on WP 3.5 and the WordPress 2011 Theme. My gut is telling me that the most likely cause for most of these problems is going to be plugins that are bundled into Themes that use jQuery.
This maybe @aitpro but none the less the new jQuery changes might have an impact based on how the author is handling the error/change and an incorrect handling could be causing his plugin to fail …
Yep that is possible, but I installed NextGEN on a testing site that uses the WordPress 2011 Theme and everything worked perfectly so I am tending to lean more towards something like a jQuery conflict exists with some additional factor such as a plugin that is bundled with a Theme or some other additional factor.
The problem with “snowball threads” is that you cannot isolate 1 definite source of the problem since this thread appears to contain several different specific problems that may have a common root problem source, which is most likely going to be jQuery related.
And there is currently an issue going on with W3TC that could be a factor in this equation as well since you mentioned something about “refresh” not working as it should. Could be a cache related issue.
Yes it very well could be a bunch of things, but when this stopped working, the only change that took place was the wordpress 3.5 upgrade and that seems to be common across the board. So we can’t blame wordpress – it has to be something to do with the “everything else” .. his plugin, other peoples plugins, but ultimatly since we dont have control over every single plugin and everyone with different plugins is being affected then we can say that THIS plugin Nextgen Gallery should be handling something better.
Microsoft has bugs in their products that show up AFTER people install other software, but microsoft doesn’t blame the software vendors because any software could trigger the bug in microsofts platform. ITs the same thing here..
I was of course not blaming WordPress. That would be silly. In the coding World things change fast with any new improvements. WordPress is the base platform. Plugins and Themes need to conform to WordPress. If your Plugin or Theme does not conform then you need to adapt quickly and conform. That is par for the course in the coding World. ?? So to be perfectly clear about what I said/meant – WordPress 3.5 made jQuery changes that require that all Plugins and Themes that use jQuery conform with/to those new WP 3.5 jQuery changes. Hope that clears up what I meant. ??
The point of me posting in this Thread was to get the bigger picture on the table. Really what needs to happen is to isolate the root source of the issue or if these are actually several similar, but not really related issues/problems then they should not all be lumped together under 1 umbrella. What ends up happening is these cases is the root source of an issue/problem becomes skewed/distorted and you end up moving away from finding the true root cause of an issue. These types of threads are tricky to handle because what ends up happening psychologically is it appears at first glance that this is just an isolated NextGEN issue/problem. Folks will just think/believe that something is directly wrong with NextGEN when this might not be the case at all. This may or may not be the case. Very tricky type of thread to deal with. ??
Please go to and tell me what is conflicting.
kevinThank you @aitpro, we appreciate your support and help with clarifying the change with WP v3.5. We’re not blaming WP, if our plugin is conflicting with another plugin/theme, and the error has potential to conflict with several similar plugins or Themes, we of course want to fix it.
It’s difficult for us to pinpoint exactly what it is that’s causing this error unless we hear back from users more than “it’s not working” or “fix it”. We need sufficient information about your environment. i.e.:
– What theme you are using
– What plugins you have installed
– What version of WordPress are you running
– Is the problem resolved when all plugins are deactivated?
– Is the problem resolved when you switch to WP Default Theme (while all plugins are deactivated) ?
– Who is your hosting provider?
– Is your hosting account running the most current up to date version of PHP & MySQL?
– Please detail the steps you take to see this error.We would still love to hear from you all whether or not the beta has been of any help in resolving this issue for you. Please download and follow the instructions as outlined in our blog post: found here.
*** If the issue persists, with the beta installed, even with all plugins deactivated and your theme (temp.) switched to WP Default, please submit your test results w/ temp. login credentials to your site, through this contact form on our site. The message will go straight to our developers to look into further.
Thanks everyone! The more feedback we receive, the better it helps us to find a solution!
@photocrati – What you cannot solve the problem when someone says something like this?
“I did something and now something is not working. Any ideas?” LOL
Yeah i get these all the time too and have tried creating a sticky thread, but no one ever looks at the “Read Me First Before Posting Sticky Thread”. ??
I tested NextGEN because someone using my plugin was having an issue and I wanted to make sure that my plugin was not causing the issue/problem. What I found was that NextGEN was working perfectly fine when using the WordPress 2011 Theme and WP 3.5 so obviously there are other factors involved for other folks. ??
On an interesting side note I added drop down select options to my personal contact form and that has saved me 1,000’s of hours of going back and forth asking questions via emails. Hmm might be a nice option requirement for posting new threads?
I upgraded BPS to the latest version (.47.7), it fixed my problem.
What the BPS stand for?
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