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  • Plugin Contributor Johan Steen



    Looking at the html at your link, it seems like you have a modified version of the plugin. You can do a similar modification with the latest version by modifying views/paypal-button.php, and you should be sorted.

    I’ll try to include a filter for the entire form for the next version, so you can do modifications like this, without modifying the plugin source – which will make the modification survive plugin upgrades.


    Thread Starter niroc


    That has worked a treat. Thank you so much for your help and continued development of this brilliant plugin!

    Thread Starter niroc


    I remember how hard I found it to add the Gift Aid question the first time I used it, so in case someone else comes looking for it one day, here’s an example of what to add to views/paypal-button.php:

    /* Gift Aid question*/
    $paypal_btn .=	'<table><tr><td>Are you a UK income tax payer and can we claim
    <a href="" target="blank">GiftAid</a> on your donation?</td></tr>
    <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Gift Aid"></td></tr><tr><td><select name="os1">
    <option value="No">No</option><option value="Yes, please claim">Yes, please claim</option>
    /*end of Gift Aid question*/

    Hi there,

    I need to enable the exact same thing on another plugin I’m using (

    I have no idea where to add the above line of code, tried a few times but unsuccessful ?? got fatal errors! ??

    Would be great if I could get some help regarding this…

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    All the best,

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