• Hey there,

    I just have the problem that I want to add some HTML to every post – above the title.

    I found the hook the_title – with this it is possible to add something INTO the post title, but not before it.

    The problem is that the theme puts the post title into <h2> tags, so everything I prepend to the title with a filter based on the_title hook is within these <h2> tags, too.

    The only possibility is for me to use PHP as an addition of the functions.php. It is not possible to modify the theme itself or use a child theme, so please don’t make that advise.

    So my question is, if anyone knows a possibility / hook / etc. to write some HTML right on top of the post via functions.php – above the title.

    Very many thanks in advance,

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  • You don’t want to hear it, but the theme controls the HTML of the page and filters are usually only on the functions that WP provides for getting data from the database.
    Each theme would be different in what HTML is used, and most do not have filters for every piece of HTML. (I wrote a theme that does filter HTML attributes for most things, but not all.)
    So you could only make that change if you change the template itself, or find where template parts are used and hook to the template part’s action. But those actions are before the entire template part, not individual elements of HTML.

    Moderator bcworkz


    You could try “the_post” action which fires before any post output in a typical WP loop. Any output will likely be outside of any outer post container such as <article>, but it ought to be before the title at least.

    You could place content more precisely with jQuery, but such content would be the last to appear on a rendered page. It doesn’t make for a good UX.

    Thread Starter doffine



    thanks for that suggestion. I just tried something like

    add_action('the_post', function($post, $query){
        $post->post_content = "test".$post->post_content;
    }, 10, 2);

    But this just adds “test” between title and content – not above content :(.
    If I use $post->post_title instead the “test” gets prepended to the title but not before the title.

    @joyously seems to be right. If there is no other hook just before the whole post page is displayed the only possibility is the theme itself.

    Of course I thought about jQuery, but as you said, that is not really an option.


    I think the intent with the action was not to modify the content, which is what you already said you didn’t want and could more easily do with a filter. The intent was to output your extra HTML at that point, which is before the other HTML is output by the theme.
    But generally, it is easier to modify the theme template.

    Thread Starter doffine


    Hey @joyously,

    yes, right. I wish I had found a possibility to output extra HTML before the other HTML is output. But the only things I found to modify were post_content and post_title.
    Do you have an idea how to output HTML with the_post before other HTML is output?

    Many greetings,

    More like this:

    add_action('the_post', function($post, $query){
        echo "My extra content";
    }, 10, 2);

    There are action hooks for each template part call, before the template part is loaded, as you can see here: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/get_template_part/
    The thing is, the slugs used for template parts can vary per theme.

    Thread Starter doffine


    Hey @joyously,

    that’s cool. Your suggestion came closer to what I need. When I use just your code I have the extra content many times all over all pages of the whole WordPress. So I added an if(is_single()):

    add_action('the_post', function($post, $query){
    	if(is_single()) {
    		echo "Test";
    }, 10, 2);

    After this the many occurences of the extra content string only was to be found on the post page – just as needed.

    The cool thing is: The extra content is (amongst others) exactly on the right place. Great!

    But: It is additionally output about five times on the very top of the page above the page header and also one time above the left sidebar.

    If it would be possible to get rid of these additional outputs and just keep the one on top of the post then it would be the solution.

    I understand your message this way that it could be possible to use another action hook and not “the_post” but this hook would be theme specific. Am I right? In this case could you tell me how to find out which hook would be correct?

    Many greetings once again and have a nice weekend,

    The template part slugs are theme specific. But it seems that you just can’t modify your theme. You could look at the code for it though, and see what the template parts are, to use those specific action hooks.
    Or you could add more conditionals to your action function. Have you heard of did_action()? https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/did_action/
    The main parts of a theme are standard, such as get_header(), which has an action buried in there. Maybe you can check for that action or one closer to the content.
    There is a long list of hooks here: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/hooks/

    Moderator bcworkz


    “the_post” action passes to its callbacks the current WP_Query object. You should be able to glean enough information from object properties to decide whether to generate output or not. The current WP_Post object is available in global $post if you should need further information specific to the current post.

    It’s typical that plugin devs cannot modify themes. But for the same reason, they wouldn’t use theme specific hooks either. It seems to me that if you can use theme specific hooks you could also modify the theme. Not directly though, themes are modified through child themes.

    Thread Starter doffine


    @joyously, @bcworkz, have many thanks for your friendly help and informed thoughts! We decided to use the theme’s function to output the content (publish date of post) and our customer is ok with it that then it stands below the title and not above.


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