Add locations (for events) to eventcalendar3
(eventcalendar 3.1.1._rc3)
this is something I did to be able to add a location to each event.
I think that function should be improved and implemented to ec3 !1) If it’s an old install, you have to modify your database :
ALTER TABLEwp_ec3_schedule
;2) files to modify : eventcalendar3.php, template-functions.php, admin.php.
This patch has been “hand-made”,
+ = lines to add
– = lines to delete****eventcalendar3.php LINE 58 ****
- "SELECT post_id,start,end,allday,rpt,IF(end>='$ec3->today',1,0) AS active + "SELECT post_id,start,end,allday,location,rpt,IF(end>='$ec3->today',1,0) AS active
****eventcalendar3.php LINE 362****
"SELECT post_id, post_title, post_excerpt, DATE_FORMAT(start,IF(allday,'%Y%m%d','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i')) AS dt_start, IF( allday, DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(end, INTERVAL 1 DAY),'%Y%m%d'), DATE_FORMAT(end,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') ) AS dt_end, $ec3->wp_user_nicename AS user_nicename, IF(allday,'TRANSPARENT','OPAQUE') AS transp, -allday +allday, location
****template-functions.php LINE 482****
foreach($post->ec3_schedule as $s) { $date_start=mysql2date($date_format,$s->start); $date_end =mysql2date($date_format,$s->end); $time_start=mysql2date($time_format,$s->start); $time_end =mysql2date($time_format,$s->end); + $location = $s->location;
****template-functions.php LINE 517****
if($time_start==$time_end) $result.=sprintf($format_single,$time_start); else $result.=sprintf($format_range,$time_start,$time_end,__('to','ec3')); } } + if ($location) { + $result.=' ('.$location.')'; + } }
****admin.php LINE 59****
function filter_edit_form() { global $ec3,$wp_version,$wpdb,$post_ID; if(isset($post_ID)) $schedule = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT sched_id, DATE_FORMAT(start,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') AS start, DATE_FORMAT(end,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') AS end, allday, + location, rpt
****admin.php LINE 86****
<table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" class="editform"> <thead><tr> <th><?php _e('Start','ec3'); ?></th> <th><?php _e('End','ec3'); ?></th> <th><?php _e('All Day','ec3'); ?></th> + <th><?php _e('Location','ec3'); ?></th> <!-- th><?php _e('Repeat','ec3'); ?></th -->
****admin.php LINE 96****
<?php $ec3_rows=0; if($schedule) { foreach($schedule as $s) $this->schedule_row( - $s->start,$s->end,$s->sched_id,'update',$s->allday,$s->location + $s->start,$s->end,$s->sched_id,'update',$s->allday ); $ec3_rows=count($schedule); } $default=ec3_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00',3600+time()); - $this->schedule_row($default,$default,'_','create',False); + $this->schedule_row($default,$default,'_','create',False,''); ?>
****admin.php LINE 131****
- function schedule_row($start,$end,$sid,$action,$allday) + function schedule_row($start,$end,$sid,$action,$allday,$location='') { + global $wpdb; $s="ec3_start_$sid"; $e="ec3_end_$sid";
****admin.php LINE 151****
<button type="reset" id="trigger_<?php echo $e; ?>">…</button> </td> + <td> + <input type="checkbox" name="ec3_allday_<?php echo $sid; + ?>" value="1"<?php if($allday){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> /> + </td> + <td> + <input type="text" name="ec3_location_<?php echo $sid;?>"/> + </td>
****admin.php LINE 214****
// Find all of our parameters $sched_entries=array(); - $fields =array('start','end','allday','rpt'); + $fields =array('start','end','allday','location','rpt');
****admin.php LINE 313****
if(!$table_exists) { $wpdb->query( "CREATE TABLE $ec3->schedule ( sched_id BIGINT(20) AUTO_INCREMENT, post_id BIGINT(20), start DATETIME, end DATETIME, allday BOOL, + location LONGTEXT, rpt VARCHAR(64), PRIMARY KEY(sched_id), KEY post_id (post_id) )"); } // end if(!$table_exists)
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