Hi bjorsq,
We’re running WP 3.5.1 and v1.2.1 of the Rich Text Excerpts Plugin.
Here is what is visible in the “View Source” for the excerpt area after click “add new”:
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<div id="wp-excerpt-editor-container" class="wp-editor-container"><textarea class="wp-editor-area" rows="3" cols="40" name="excerpt" id="excerpt"><p>On paper and online.</p>
<p>What's inside? Lots of lenses. New Cameras. More K and 4K. Filters and Facts. Ways to connect cameras, recorders, rigs and accessories. Things to move cameras, to illuminate, and ways to stand out. Rumors revealed. New Angénieux and Cooke Anamorphics. New Phantom 4K Highspeed Camera...</p>