Add New Tab/New Page?
Hello all – I’m a total newbie with WP, and I just need to know how to add more menu tabs.
I want to make my site more like a full functioning website, not just a blog, but I can’t seem to figure out how to create more tabs or pages.
It’s probably super easy, I am just getting it!
Thanks in advance!
In the admin area (also called dashboard) on the left side,
near the top is a section called “Pages”. If you click the small arrow to the right of Pages, the section expands, and you will see the link to “Add New.”Thanks for your message Moodles!
I had tried the ‘Add New’ prior to posting this message and when it didn’t work, I searched under the ‘help’ option. Here’s what I got:
“Pages are similar to to Posts in that they have a title, body text, and associated metadata, but they are different in that they are not part of the chronological blog stream, kind of like permanent posts. Pages are not categorized or tagged, but can have a hierarchy. You can nest Pages under other Pages by making one the “Parent” of the other, creating a group of Pages.
Managing Pages is very similar to managing Posts, and the screens can be customized in the same way.
You can also perform the same types of actions, including narrowing the list by using the filters, acting on a Page using the action links that appear when you hover over a row, or using the Bulk Actions menu to edit the metadata for multiple Pages at once.”
So technically, it’s telling me I can only post ‘pages’ in a similar way to a post – not a new ‘tab’ option, which is what I want. I did try it out – just to make sure, and it is in fact coming up like a blog post…
Is this a function of the theme I chose, or is this standard to WP in general?
I’m not sure what you mean by a “tab.” Sometimes menus have the appearances of tabs and people have called pages “tabs” when what they mean is a link in the menu.
Can you provide a link to your site?
I think you are misunderstanding the WordPress message. It does create pages as it does posts, but they are dealt with differently. Posts are time oriented and displayed (default) in backwards order on the home pages, most recent to oldest. The loop automatically creates new “pages” of the posts, which you can get to with the “older entries” link at the bottom of the home page.
Pages (not “pages” with a lower case p) also use the loop, but are not part of that time-oriented display, and will in fact show up as an actual page.
What do you mean “Add new” didn’t work?
Thanks again Moodles…
When I say ‘pages’, I mean, ‘About’, ‘Products’, ‘Services’, ‘Home’, ‘Contact’ etc…
I can’t seem to add more/separate tabs or pages with these titles, just seemingly stationary blog posts, which I think is the action or purpose of the ‘pages’ function.
Does this make sense? Is it even possible to have more than 2 or 3 ‘tabs’ for Products, Services, Contact etc.?
Oh, okay. Now I get it, somewhat, but I’m not sure why you would want more than one page with the same name.
You can’t have more than one page with the same name, but you can have a parent page, and then other child pages.
Not sure if this is what you are trying to do, but you could have a Services page, and then “Services – More” or some such name, and then on the right side of the “add new page” in the dashboard, under Page Attributes, you would choose “Services” as the parent of “Services – More”.
Other possibility: If you are offering products in different categories, as an example, you can create posts about each product or item, then create a custom page template, (possibly, page-products1.php )and the adjust the loop on that page to only display posts created in that category. Then WordPress will create the “older/more entries” feature on its own.
After you upload a page template, then on the right side in Page Attributes, the template shows up in the list and you can apply it as needed to various Pages.
see MichaelH’s post, the top link tells how to EXclude, just remove the minus to make it INclude one category:
Hi Moodles,
I don’t want more than one page with the same name. I want all different pages with different tabs representing each – like on a regular website (not just a blog).
All of this seems far more complicated than I bargained for… ugh.
I built my own website on iWeb and it’s been doing fine, but it is not SEO’d, so that’s why I decided to switch to WordPress… but so far, it’s not been easy at all. I’ve spent HOURS trying to just get new menu/tabs/pages – whatever you want to call them – and to no avail.
Currently I can only seem to get ‘Home’ and ‘About’ as separate pages/tabs. I see on sample templates that there are parent pages, child pages etc., but I just don’t know if I can do what I want to do.
I don’t write code, or even understand it for that matter, so the links you sent are like reading Sanskrit! Lol… am I in over my head?
WordPress site url?
Hi Esmi,
There’s nothing but the template up – but here it is:
From what I can see of your theme, you should just be able to publish new Pages (Pages – not Posts) and they will be added to the top right menu bar automatically.
When you create a page the first time, are you clicking “publish”?
do you then go to your website and refresh the page?
To refresh and make sure you see the changes, hit CTRL + F5 — that clears your browser cache for that page.The very top black bar on your theme is not all pages, also includes Twitter and RSS feed. Maybe this is a theme issue…
Can you maybe copy and post, as code, the index.php from the theme?
… omg… I’m so embarrassed… lol. I wasn’t publishing (Insert blushing face here…).
Thank you… I’m going to quietly leave now for a little while, and hope that no one remembers me and this whole embarrassing situation! ??
Thanks so much Moodles.
Gratefully yours,
JWeddingCoach, just because a question has an easy answer doesn’t mean the question didn’t need asking. Don’t be embarrassed. We all do stuff like that. I know I have.
Migrating to WordPress from another system means a person has some impressions from the other one that might make it harder to “get” the way WordPress works. Somebody else will be helped by this thread… (which you might mark as “resolved” over on the right. )
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