• Resolved vkrishna


    My shoppingcart is built in woocommerce. My shoppingcart allows other sellers to add their products. But if other sellers other than admin add products additional amount of 15% should be added to price. How can I achieve this in Woocommerce.
    Example: if admin add product worth 100, price will remain same for buyer. If seller add product worth 100 for buyer it should display 115

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  • Plugin Support Job a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey @vkrishna I’m not aware of a core function or an extension that does this.

    With the Product Vendors extension you can set up a marketplace approach and automatically charge 15% off all sales that vendors make, but that is dependent on the price the vendor enters and doesn’t change what the customer sees. https://woocommerce.com/products/product-vendors/

    You could maybe try adding all vendors into a different tax class and charge 15% on top of that, but this wouldn’t work well together with your other taxes and it might be very confusing for your customers to see this in the checkout.

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