• Resolved billsaysthis


    I have no issue with this being on by default but personally I won’t use it and want to be able to shut it off. Having to install a separate plugin, per Ozh’s post, seems absurd.

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  • Moderator James Huff


    My understanding is that there will be an option to disable it, but they’re trying to perfect the bar as is before they work on that.

    Thread Starter billsaysthis


    Fair enough, though I’d think the delta in effort is small enough to not worry about putting it off and I don’t see how the option would impact the effort to perfect.

    My bigger issue at the moment is that this just started appearing at the top of my blog pages and searching the Codex and here turned up no useful information. I’m sure it was listed in the changelogs and new features are to be expected running dev builds but at least some minimal entry ought to be made when people try to figure out what the heck this is.

    Moderator James Huff


    The documentation is rarely updated until the final release is ready to go because the new features have a tendency to change frequently, and we’d be hit with a ton of “I don’t see this feature” posts from confused users of the stable branch.

    If you want to run alpha and beta releases, you have to be ready for sudden and sometime unwanted change.

    If you’d like some notification of new features and changes, follow the development here: https://wpdevel.wordpress.com/



    To this I’d like to add, it seriously SERIOUSLY screws with the loading time of my site. It went from loading quickly to . . . hang on while I go get coffee . . . and I am SO not kidding.

    I SO want this thing gone until such time as it isn’t such a dog. The default should be GONE, not DOG.

    How do we switch this blood thing off!!
    I want to get rid of this admin bar because its interfering with buddypress

    For single sites, add the following to your theme’s functions.php file:

    /* Disable the Admin Bar. */
    add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );

    For networks, add the code to mu-plugins.

    Or see https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/disable-admin-bar/

    This should definetely be an opt-in option within the admin panel, very annoying.

    As admin user I don’t mind it terribly (though probably won’t use it), but it’d be nice, if I could disable for other roles.

    Please make it go away! Or at least let me. soon?

    p.s. @theme Diva — Thanks, works a charm!

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I first thought something was wrong with me, maybe I was the only one who hated that stupid bar.
    Thanks God I am not.
    Really enjoying.
    Thanks a lot Ipstenu and esmi for help to get rid off it ??

    With 3.1, I was SUPER annoyed by this too and pretty much see the new bar as a useless addition to WordPress.

    Global disabling through the Dashboard would be extremely nice in a future release. Nonetheless, someone in wordpress dev patiently pointed out that to deactivate it through the Dashboard itself (no need to fiddle with the functions.php file), go to “Users,” select your username, and under your profile options is the option to turn this off!!!! Yay!

    Thank you dev-angels!!!!

    Okay, I’ve read the thread and still do not know how to turn that stupid thing off. Please, anyone know how. It’s right in my way.

    Found it – finally, in the user profile.

    Am I blind ?

    I resisted from asking here WHERE IS IT, but no matter how hard I tried to find it I don’t see any option in the user profile to turn it off.
    Can’t help but ask (stupid question?) : where is it ?


    Hope that helps!

    Hi Rev.Voodoo !
    Thanks for screen shot, it helps me at least to find out that I’m not blind.
    But question is stupid because I should know:
    If it ‘sounds’ like it’s not there, than probably it’s not there.

    I just don’t have ‘the stuff’ that you marked out in my profile settings. I have the old one version.

    So I should ask ; WHY ??

    Stupid bar came with 3.1 and this option did not. Strange.
    I re-installed 3.1 but still nothing.
    Now I need one more plugin to handle this.
    Like I don’t have them already enough.
    Really enjoying.

    Any idea why it’s not there ?

    Thanks in advance for any help

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