Go to WP Admin > Settings > Reading Settings. If it is set to 10 and you only have a total of 8 posts, the prev/next links will not display.
Try setting it to less than 8 and see if they show up.
If you do indeed have more posts, you will need to add the prev/next tags to the bottom of your single template. Something like this should do the trick…
<div class="post-nav">
<div class="post-nav-prev">
<?php previous_post_link('%link', 'Previous Post'); ?>
<div class="post-nav-nex">
<?php next_post_link('%link', 'Next Post'); ?>
More information on the previous_post_link tag can be found here: previous_post_link
]]>The posts are set to display as summaries in the Blog page with a ‘Read More’ button. I want to add ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ to the actual post.
So, once you press on ‘Read More’ and takes you to to a post, I want users to be able to navigate to the following/previous post without having to go back to the ‘Blog’ page.
Thanks again!