• This message may belong in the Themes support section, not sure..

    I’d like to add this Slider plug-in to my homepage, centered up above the posts.

    I installed the plug-in to WP and am working on making the appropriate edits/files in my child theme and am now stumped.

    This resource was my most recent help as far as what code I need: https://halgatewood.com/flexslider-hg

    What I don’t know is: what template am i adding code to in the Twenty Twelve (child) theme in order to have this display on the homepage? The guy I cited above refers to the home.php file, but I don’t see that in twenty-twelve’s files. Is there a file for the homepage?

    gracias! and the site is being developed here if a visual helps: https://www.internalcompass.us/castle

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