• Hello All,

    I understand how to manipulate the customer’s receipt in Woocommerce. Now all I need to do is just pull the product tag from whichever product they purchased, and place it on the receipt.

    Does anyone know how to target the product tag? I thought it would be…

    echo $product->get_tags();

    But then I realized I had to put in the global variable $product in order for this to work.

    global $product;
    echo $product->get_tags();

    This ended up displaying the product tag IF I was on that products page.

    Now the challenge is to somehow get this product tag on the order receipt, but keep in mind it’s not going to be on the product page anymore. So I can’t simple copy paste my little snippet into the receipt template. It returns nothing ??

    So what do I need to do in order for it to check and see if there is a tag and then display the tag on the receipt?

    :/ I’m searching the webz, but I’m not seeing any kind of solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Thread Starter sethbahookey


    Can anyone at least point me in the right direction?

    The question is, I have product tags associated with some products on my site. How can I get those product tags to show up on the receipt of an order?

    Sorry can’t get straight to it. What variables have you got available?

    Look for one called order. The order will lead to the items/products in the order, which in turn will lead to the tags.

    You may need to bring in:
    global $woocommerce;

    Thread Starter sethbahookey


    Thanks for responding!

    I’m not entirely sure what variables are available. I guess that’s part of the challenge. All I do know is that I am using the receipt template, and trying to script in those product tags (aka tags) into the receipt.

    People are telling me to avoid the global variables but then can’t back it up with how I should do it.

    So Lorro, you are suggesting I find a variable called order or is it a script/function/array?

    This function will list available variables:
    see what’s available within the scope.

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