• Resolved Paul Scollon


    I noticed a previous request from @verset for time as well as date on vacations was closed without reply. I also would like this features, as I am sure many others would. Quite often you would want to go on vacation at, say, 5pm on a given day… so the store is open for PART of the day. A bricks and mortar shop that also takes online orders, for collection, would want to allow online orders in the morning, but possibly not in the afternoon. Would you be willing to add this feature?

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  • Plugin Author Mahdi Yazdani


    Hello @scollonp,

    Thanks for reaching out and raising this question.

    I must say this is a good addition to have. We have had other people asking about this, so this is on our lists.

    Thanks for sharing your specific use case about it.

    Thread Starter Paul Scollon


    Look forward to seeing this in future releases. Thanks for the speedy reply!

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