• Resolved KZeni


    While it appears something like calling out the Hosts/Speakers of a podcast via the RSS feed (per episode or podcast-wide) might not really be a thing, I would like to see it where Speakers is offered as long as Seriously Simple Speakers plugin is on the site.

    I can see it being shown similar to show the Podcast Category/Series is now when creating an import (with it then importantly having Speakers be hierarchical where you might have a business name/group which then has individual people within them which are then marked as Speakers). From there, it’d make it so any episode imported for that podcast get the speakers auto-assigned based on that podcast import setting (better than not being able to set them at all with it not being able to be pulled from the RSS feed in an established/consistent way that I know of.)

    I’m not as familiar with the other podcast plugin options this importer supports as with SSP, but I’m wondering if they also might have a taxonomy for Speakers/Hosts which could then also just swap out the taxonomy being used accordingly (unless they’re actually the same in some cases… I don’t know for sure as I haven’t checked yet & only looked into SSP at this point.)

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  • Plugin Author SecondLineThemes


    Hi @kzeni,

    Thanks for the suggestions!
    We’re working on adding support to multiple custom taxonomies and CPTs, so that might help with what you’re trying to build.

    The plugin itself only deals with the import process, not the content management part, so having all the functionality you describe would be up to you, I suppose.

    Thread Starter KZeni


    Okay, yeah, Speakers look to be a custom taxonomy so it sounds like that update would help with this.

    I guess my further request was to make it so the settings for the import would allow for a manual set of taxonomy terms to be set for a given import if it happens to not be content able to be pulled from the RSS feed (otherwise having it able to pull a related tag from the RSS feed if that content is available & potentially dynamic for individual items.) We kinda just have too many feeds to then need to manually set the Speakers for each feed upon each automatic import, if we could ideally just set it up to be established as part of the import.

    Thanks for the quick response!

    Plugin Author SecondLineThemes


    Just added this to the roadmap and we’ll take a deeper look into integrating with the SSP Speakers CPT. Would be best to make it work for any CPT but we’ll have to investigate a bit further.

    Thread Starter KZeni


    I see https://secondlinethemes.com/wordpress-podcast-importer/ has “Assign a Custom Taxonomy to any imported podcast episode.” listed as a feature of the Pro version. Do you see this as facilitating what’s needed for the Speakers custom taxonomy? It definitely sound like it would, but I wanted to check to see if that’s the intended use.

    Also, I’m assuming the “assign” part needing to be done is via the scheduled import setup rather than needing to be done for each individual episode, right?

    Plugin Author SecondLineThemes


    You can select any custom taxonomy and it would be applied to all episodes by default.

    If your feed includes the <category> tag, you can also assign this to a custom taxonomy (so the value can be dynamic and change between episodes)

    Thread Starter KZeni


    That’s great to hear! Thanks so much for making this available!

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