Hello, this function is working (but answer box only shows last element):
(fieldname8=='M?lyna'?'Esate ?altas, i?tvermingas ir kiek grubesnio charakterio':(fieldname8=='Pilka'?'Esate ramaus būdo ir gan?tinai i?tvermingas':(fieldname8=='Ruda'?'PARA?YK RUDAAAAA':(fieldname8=='?alia'?'PARA?YK ?ALIAAAAAA':'RA?YK SKIRTINGOS AKYS')))),
' ',
(fieldname3=='?viesi'?'RA?YK ?VIESI':(fieldname3=='Tamsi'?'RA?YK TAMSII':'RA?YK RAUDOOONNA')),
' ',
(fieldname6=='Trumpi'?'RA?YK TRUMPIIII':(fieldname6=='Vidutinio ilgio'?'RA?YK VIDUTINIO ILGIOOO':'RA?YK ILGIIII')),
' ',
(fieldname7=='Stori'?'RA?YK STORIII':(fieldname7=='Vidutinio storio'?'RA?YK VIDUTINIO STORIO':'RA?YK PLONIIII'));
Then I tried firstly the CONCATENTATE operation, so added only “CONCATENTATE(” and “);” and it didn’t work, maybe because there was not enough space in the answer box?:
(fieldname8==’M?lyna’?’Esate ?altas, i?tvermingas ir kiek grubesnio charakterio’:(fieldname8==’Pilka’?’Esate ramaus būdo ir gan?tinai i?tvermingas’:(fieldname8==’Ruda’?’PARA?YK RUDAAAAA’:(fieldname8==’?alia’?’PARA?YK ?ALIAAAAAA’:’RA?YK SKIRTINGOS AKYS’)))),
‘ ‘,
(fieldname3==’?viesi’?’RA?YK ?VIESI’:(fieldname3==’Tamsi’?’RA?YK TAMSII’:’RA?YK RAUDOOONNA’)),
‘ ‘,
(fieldname6==’Trumpi’?’RA?YK TRUMPIIII’:(fieldname6==’Vidutinio ilgio’?’RA?YK VIDUTINIO ILGIOOO’:’RA?YK ILGIIII’)),
‘ ‘,
(fieldname7==’Stori’?’RA?YK STORIII’:(fieldname7==’Vidutinio storio’?’RA?YK VIDUTINIO STORIO’:’RA?YK PLONIIII’))
Then I tried adding HTML content field, with formula you said: <div class=”result-here”></div>; (this box is not visible in the calculator after i push the button) and the equation:
var result = CONCATENTATE(
(fieldname8==’M?lyna’ ? ‘Esate ?altas, i?tvermingas ir kiek grubesnio charakterio’ : (fieldname8==’Pilka’ ? ‘Esate ramaus būdo ir gan?tinai i?tvermingas’ : (fieldname8==’Ruda’ ? ‘PARA?YK RUDAAAAA’:(fieldname8==’?alia’ ? ‘PARA?YK ?ALIAAAAAA’ : ‘RA?YK SKIRTINGOS AKYS’)))),
‘ ‘,
(fieldname3==’?viesi’ ? ‘?VIESūS RA?YK’ : (fieldname3==’Tamsi’ ? ‘TAMSUS RA?YK’ : ‘RAUDONII RA?Yk’)),
‘ ‘,
(fieldname6==’Trumpi’ ? ‘TRUMPI RA?YK’ : (fieldname6==’Vidutinio ilgio’ ? ‘VIDUTINIAI RA?YK’ : ‘ILGI RA?YK’)),
‘ ‘,
(fieldname7==’Stori’ ? ‘STORI RA?YK’ : (fieldname7==’Vidutinio storio’ ? ‘VIDUTINIAI RA?YK’ : ‘PLONI RA?YK’))
return result;
As I see, it should be working but it’s not, I attached some pictures, maybe the problem is in other place?