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  • You can use this function to place subscription form in your theme:

    knews_plugin_form( array('id'=> 0[or mailing list id], 'name'=>'ask', 'surname'=>'required', 'stylize'=>[0|1], 'labelwhere'=>'outside|inside|none', 'subtitle'=>[0|1], 'requiredtext'=>[0|1], 'terms'=>[0|1], 'script'=>[0|1]) )

    Or use a shortcode to put it in post or page:

    Item 12 on the list


    what about mailinglist.

    I’m using this shortcode:

    [knews_form id=1 name=required surname=required stylize=1 labelwhere=outside subtitle=1 requiredtext=1 terms=1 script=1]

    I don’t know how to add mailing lists to this form.


    Plugin Author creverter


    Thanks @edker ??

    @buszmean: Go to admin Knews > Mailing lists, get the ID of a mailing list or create a new one and get the ID.

    Put the ID in the shortcode: id=1, or in the PHP: ‘id’ => 1


    is it possible to add a subscription form to my wordpress page (not a widget) to display only the email field? and a submit button?

    If yes How can I do that. I don’t want to put in my subscription form name and surname.

    Thank you in advanced.

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