Hi Charlotte,
There is additional JavaScript that gets created dynamically to add in the configurations for the sharing sidebar and most of the items in the advanced options tab of the AddThis Sharing Buttons plugin settings. It’s not as simple as referencing a script URL like with addthis_widget.js.
Option 1:
The safest way to add our code is by making your theme respect the WordPress enqueued scripts in your header. Here’s some documentation on the primary function that does this and how to add it into your theme:
Unless you have a plugin that’s dequeuing items, the above should work to add both the addthis_widget.js as well as that other missing JavaScript.
The offer to take a look at your theme and plugins to look into why these scripts aren’t including automatically (including checking for this) still stands.
Option 2:
If you aren’t interested in including WordPress enqueued scripts properly with your theme, at this point you might want to consider changing your plugin to AddThis mode (under advanced options). With AddThis mode, you can configure the sharing buttons (including the sharing sidebar) from AddThis.com and don’t need the extra JavaScript. That would be a safer option than option 3. For this, you’ll need to change YOUR_PUB_ID_HERE to the profile ID you create at AddThis.com, as well as enter it into your settings for the plugin in the Advanced Options tab.
Option 3:
Reach out to us at [email protected] and we can provide you some code to execute above addthis_widget.js that will include that dynamic JavaScript. We won’t provide those details here as this is a very dangerous and essentially untested option, since we don’t have a copy of your theme.
If you use these undocumented and unsupported functions deep inside our plugin, you’ll likely end up with PHP errors on your page later on when we change the names of those functions and you update the plugin (or worse — and very possible — it could bring your site down with a fatal error). This would also happen if you just change modes in the plugin, as this is done differently in different modes. This functions are undocumented for good reason. We do not recommend this option.