• Resolved stepphosensteph


    Hi there,

    i am using the actual plugin version 6.0.13 with wordpress 6.2. Everything is “fine” translated into my wordpress general default language (German), expect the “Add to calendar”-button on the event detail page.

    When i am locking into the code, i see, that in file single-event-list.php in line 27 the following action happens:

    <?php echo esc_html__( 'Add to calendar', 'the-events-calendar' ); ?>

    If i change ‘Add to calendar’, also the button text changes and esc_html__ seem to be the official wordpress translation function, so it may looks fine and may just miss here a translation maybe?

    When i check the actual translation for German on this site https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/the-events-calendar/stable/de/default/ and download the PO-File, i see, that there is a translation:

    #: src/views/blocks/parts/subscribe-list.php:30
    #: src/views/v2/components/subscribe-links/single-event-list.php:27
    msgid "Add to calendar"
    msgstr "Zum Kalender hinzufügen"

    In the file path \wp-content\plugins\the-events-calendar\lang i see the file the-events-calendar-de_DE.mo which i cant open and the the-events-calendar.pot. Last file contains no translations i guess.

    So, how does this work? The other translations are translated, but this button not. But on translation website it says, it is translated. Is this a general problem in the German MO-file? What do i have to do to get this button ongoing translated also with new updates, so i have no to modify the PHP code or sth like this?

    Thank you in advance!

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