• Had a major issue with cURL requests on one server resulting in fatal errors, which is never good… It produces this error a result of failing wp_remote_get.
    To address this and do it more properly, the plugin should most definitely use transient caching instead of making the request for every page. Consider also that the Vimeo API has a hit rate limit, a very busy site could have issues.

    So here are my changes (currently in production) for plugin update’s consideration:

    //$videos_result = wp_remote_get($vmg_videos_url);
    //$vmg_videos = simplexml_load_string($videos_result[‘body’]);
    if (false === ($videos_result = get_transient(‘vmg_videos’) ) ){
    if ($videos_result = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get($vmg_videos_url) )){
    set_transient(‘vmg_videos’, $videos_result, 7200);//2 hours
    $vmg_videos = $videos_result ? simplexml_load_string($videos_result) : false;

    ///$info_result = wp_remote_get($vmg_info_url);
    //$vmg_info = simplexml_load_string($info_result[‘body’]);
    if (false === ($info_result = get_transient(‘vmg_info’) ) ){
    if ($info_result = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get($vmg_info_url) )){
    set_transient(‘vmg_info’, $info_result, 7200);//2 hours
    $vmg_info = $info_result ? simplexml_load_string($info_result) : false;


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