• I’m having issues with a WordPress site I am working SEO on (www.stephouse.net). On the homepage int he masthead, The words below are superimposed on the header menu.

    “Add Widgets (Universal Sidebar)
    This is your Universal Sidebar but it needs some widgets!
    Easy! Just add some content to it in your widgets panel.
    Add Widgets →”

    The text is replacing what was previously an image that linked to the bill pay form. I’ve replaced the image, removed the link from the menu, redid the menus from scratch, and still that text remains. Strangely, it only appears for people that are logged in.

    The site uses PageLines (which I have mixed feelings about), but it only started happening after the last WordPress update to 4.5.3. That could be coincidence, but that is the last major change the website has undergone.

    Any ideas?

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  • Unfortunately its impossible to test being logged in as you have registration disabled.

    In the drag/drop options of that theme just make sure the universal sidebar is not located in any of the template areas.

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