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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    First, turn off “display_errors” and or the WP_DEBUG settings on your website. These should never be enabled for a production site.

    Notices are notices, they are not actual problems. The real problem here is that you have your site set to display error messages and notices when they should be hidden by default.

    Thread Starter australiansteve


    Yeah good point – I’m seeing this on my dev environment & didn’t think before posting here, sorry

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    Ah, well on a dev environment that’s fine. The plugin or theme in question will need an update to stop using the deprecated functions. In the meantime, it’s just a notice.

    Plugin Author webbistro


    Hello guys,

    The EML menu does not exist any more ?? It moved under Settings > Media. It does not use add_utility_page either. Sorry for delay with the upgrade!


    Thread Starter australiansteve


    Looks good thanks Nadia!

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