• Resolved tonyzyc


    I would like to add a link to the ask a qustion next to the review and the answered question to the single product page

    So I modified templates/cr-rating.php

     * Single Product Rating
     * This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/woocommerce/single-product/rating.php.
     * HOWEVER, on occasion WooCommerce will need to update template files and you
     * (the theme developer) will need to copy the new files to your theme to
     * maintain compatibility. We try to do this as little as possible, but it does
     * happen. When this occurs the version of the template file will be bumped and
     * the readme will list any important changes.
     * @see     https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/
     * @package WooCommerce\Templates
     * @version 3.6.0
    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    	exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
    global $product;
    if ( ! wc_review_ratings_enabled() ) {
    $count_answered = 0;
    if( class_exists( 'CR_Qna' ) ) {
    	$count_answered = CR_Qna::get_count_answered( $product->get_id() );
    $rating_count = $product->get_rating_count();
    $review_count = $product->get_review_count();
    $average      = $product->get_average_rating();
    if ( $rating_count > 0 || $count_answered > 0 ) : ?>
    	<div class="woocommerce-product-rating">
    		<?php echo wc_get_rating_html( $average, $rating_count ); // WPCS: XSS ok. ?>
    		<?php if ( comments_open() ) :
    			if( 0 < $rating_count ) {
    				echo '<a href="#reviews" class="woocommerce-review-link" rel="nofollow">';
    				printf( _n( '%s review', '%s reviews', $review_count, 'customer-reviews-woocommerce' ), '<span class="count">' . esc_html( $review_count ) . '</span>' );
    				echo '</a>';
    			if( 0 < $rating_count && 0 < $count_answered ) {
    				echo '<span class="cr-qna-separator">|</span>';
    			if( 0 < $count_answered ) {
        		echo '<a href="#cr_qna" class="cr-qna-link" rel="nofollow">';
    				printf( _n( '%s answered question', '%s answered questions', $count_answered, 'customer-reviews-woocommerce' ), '<span class="count">' . esc_html( $count_answered ) . '</span>' );
    				echo '</a>';
    		endif; ?>
    	<a href="#cr_qna" class="cr-qna-link" rel="nofollow">Ask A Question</a></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    After modifying the code, the ask a qustion link is added to the single product page with review or answered question
    But on product pages without review and answered question, the ask a qustion link is not added.

    I would like to know how to add an ask a qustion link on product pages without reviews and answered questions.

    check the screenshot https://ibb.co/tscCFqv

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by tonyzyc.
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  • Hi,

    Thank you for using CusRev.

    You can just move the custom HTML code outside the if statement to display the link even if the product does not have a review or Q&A. For example:

    if ( $rating_count > 0 || $count_answered > 0 ) : ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <a href="#cr_qna" class="cr-qna-link" rel="nofollow">Ask A Question</a></div>
    Plugin Support cusrev


    We haven’t heard from you for more than two weeks. For this reason, I’ll assume that either you are not interested in this question/problem anymore or it has been resolved. If you still require any help, please start a new forum topic.

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