• RobinCpl


    I found similar problem in the topic: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/fixed-javascript-error-with-new-lines-replaced-with but I think it is not resolved at all or in my case is something else.
    I get error: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token” and I can see that the “<p>” is added to every piece of slider code, eg.:

    <style type="text/css">
    <p>			#beauty-barpjc .frs-wrapper .frs-caption {
    			.frs-caption-content div h1, .frs-caption-content div h2, .frs-caption-content div h3, .frs-caption-content div h4, .frs-caption-content div p {
    				color: inherit !important;
    				text-align: inherit !important;
    				line-height: 1.5;


    <script type="text/javascript">
    			jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    					animation : 'horizontal-slide', // horizontal-slide, vertical-slide, fade
    					animationSpeed :  800, // how fast animtions are
    					timer :  true, // true or false to have the timer
    					advanceSpeed :   2500, // if timer is enabled, time between transitions
    					pauseOnHover : false, // if you hover pauses the slider
    					startClockOnMouseOut :  false, // if clock should start on MouseOut
    					startClockOnMouseOutAfter :  800, // how long after MouseOut should the timer start again
    					directionalNav : true, // manual advancing directional navs
    					captions : true, // do you want captions?
    					captionAnimation : 'fade', // fade, slideOpen, none
    					captionAnimationSpeed : 800, // if so how quickly should they animate in
    					bullets :  true, // true or false to activate the bullet navigation
    					bulletThumbs : true, // thumbnails for the bullets
    					bulletThumbLocation : '', // location from this file where thumbs will be
    					navigationSmallTreshold:  false,
    					navigationSmall: 600,
    					skinClass: 'frs-skin-default',
    					width: 300,
    					height: 160,
    					fullWidth: false,
    					minHeight: 300,
    					maxHeight: 0,
    					sbullets: false,
    					sbulletsItemWidth: 200,
    					continousSliding: false,
    					jsOnly: false
    				 * touchSwipe
    				$('#beauty-barpjc-slideshow .frs-slide-img').swipe(
    			        swipeLeft:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) {
    						$('#beauty-barpjc-slideshow .frs-slider-nav .frs-arrow-right').click();
    <p>					swipeRight:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) {
    						$('#beauty-barpjc-slideshow .frs-slider-nav .frs-arrow-left').click();
    <p>			        triggerOnTouchLeave:true


    Example: https://ledea.pl/nasze-realizacje-2/
    Of curse you will not see any slideshow, only empty page.

    Have you any solution for this?


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