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  • Did you modify the index.php per these instructions?

    # Open your root directory’s index.php file in a text editor
    # Change the following and save the file. Change the line that says:
    to the following, using your directory name for the WordPress core files:
    # Login to the new location. It might now be

    Read it all and follow exactly.

    Thread Starter findasec


    Thanks for the reply. I did this the index.php file under the “blog” folder was changed. I didn’t change the index.php file under the “wordpress” folder

    You must completely remove the old index file from the WP folder for it to work.

    Thread Starter findasec


    I removed the index.php file from the wordpress folder so the only index.php file is now in the “blog” folder and the index php file has been changed to ‘./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’

    I’m wondering about the htaccess file. Normally it’s under the root – should it now be under the “blog” folder?

    .htaccess should be in same folder as new index.php

    Thread Starter findasec


    I have the .htaccess file under the “blog” folder and this is what is reads
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /WordPress/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /WordPress/index.php [L]

    However it also appears to be under the WordPress folder and I can’t see it via my host manager and the ftp program shows the file but the “delete” button is greyed out.

    The file is correct and in the correct place.
    The .htaccess in wordpress has got to go.
    Right click on it and see if you can rename it to .htaccess1 or something.

    Thread Starter findasec


    I have deleted the htaccess file under the WordPress folder.
    The WordPress folder no longer has the index.php file as it is now found under the blog folder. The htaccess file is also under there Both of these files have 644 permissions.
    When I try to login to the admin panel I’m getting the error page and it looks like its attempting to redirect which I’m assuming it’s supposed to do

    I changed the file permissions under the blog folder to 666 hoping this would help. Should some of the files under the wordpress folder have their permission changed?

    I’m not sure where to go from here. The htaccess file is correct it appears and the index.php file has been moved and altered to read ‘./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’

    Aren’t you over-complicating this whole thing?
    Why do you need a folder “WordPress” and another one “blog”?
    Wouldn’t be simpler just to rename your WordPress directory to blog?

    I have a similar problem. I had my WordPress blog installed and running fine on the “/wordpress” webpage on my website. However, I wanted to have my blog page show up on my home page. So, I followed the instructions under “Giving WordPress its Own Directory While Leaving Your Blog in the Root Directory” (except for moving the .htaccess file – which I could move becuase I couldn’t find it or it didn’t show up under my hosting company’s FTP manager). Making these changes caused both my home page and my WordPress page to become non-functional.

    So, I undid everything — to try to restore it to its original condition. The homepage works fine now. But, I can’t get the WordPress page to work again. (I can log in to the admin pages just fine; but, I can’t view the WordPress page through my browser. I’ve dumped he cache, too, but still no luck). Can someone help?

    Hardly without seeing it…

    The changes that I made were as follows:
    –Under “Options,” I changed the blog address to the root address and clicked “Update.” (Now changed back and updated.)
    –WordPress already had its own subdirectory on the server; so, never changed that and never had to move the WordPress files.
    –I copied the “index.php” file from the WordPress directory into the root directory of my site. (Now removed from the root directory; original file still in the WordPress directory.)
    –I made no change to the “.htaccess” file, because I couldn’t find it (WordPress documentation says that sometimes this file is a hidden file.)
    –I edited the “index.php” file, as instructed, and saved the new version into the root directory. (Now deleted from the root directory; original still in the WordPress directory.)
    Having made only those changes and now having restored them, is there some other step that I’m missing in getting WordPress to function again? Alternatively, is it better to delete all the Worpress files from my host’s server and download/upload Worpress anew? If so, is there a way to preserve the posts to the blog so far?

    Nevermind. I fixed it by adding an extra copy of the “index.php” file to my WordPress directory. There was already one in the “/WordPress-Content” subdirectory. But, I guess it needed to be in the parent “WordPress directory. Thanks.

    Thread Starter findasec


    I redid everything and got back to basics but I had to go into my admin php panel and reset the blog address from the other directory. Everything is working fine. I’m going to do a little research and try and reset the name of the WordPress folder to something else. Thanks for the help

    Wow, I had the same problem about moving .htaccess and index.php (from to but when i went onto the theme (yes, i had already changed index.php code so theme did appear at – I had already also changed the URL direct request under the dashboard per Codex instructions. BUT the links did NOT work (sidebar or register or login) so I could not access the dashboard. I ended up moving EVERYTHING BACK (also changing index.php to direct to /wordpress again). BUT still no luck.

    Does ANYONE know how I can view my dashboard again (have tried entering ….and /wp-login.php URL but that fails as well.

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