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  • I don’t see the problem on the site. What are you trying to remove the border from?

    for “first name” and “email” you should change the td property to make them align in the middle.

    instead of valign=”top” use valign=”middle” on the tds

    PS you seem like one sassy lady

    Thread Starter Drebeltrami


    I want to remove the border from the button image (“become an insisder”) at the bottom of the page. I’m going to remove the opti-in form above it, so ignore that.

    I don’t want the border around that button so I want to assign an img class so I can remove the border with CSS.

    P.S. I am! ??

    I can definitely help you but I don’t see that button – where is it exactly?

    odd, it doesn’t display on the pages but when I did a search it came up. try adding this to your stylesheet:

    .textwidget a img { border:0; }

    Thread Starter Drebeltrami


    You don’t see it at the very bottom??

    Here’s a screenshot…

    to help you in the future that css applies to any img tag that’s inside of an a tag that’s inside of an element with class “textwidget”.

    So if you have an element with no class or id inside of an element that does have a class or id you can put a space after the class/id css selector and use the tag name (a, img, p, div, whatever) to make any of those tags inside of that element adhere to your style demands.

    Nope! I see it on that page but if you just visit the homepage URL it’s not there. I was looking around and did a random search and when I got to the search results page it was there… not sure why that’s happening, not a wordpress expert, better with css/html/php.

    Thread Starter Drebeltrami


    That’s WEIRD! I on Firefox so I checked it out in Chrome and it’s not there.

    I get that, that’s why I’ve targeted my “.img a”, so all images that are links will have a border. This button is the only linked img I don’t want a border on.

    Can’t I use an <img> to assign a class to an image so I can one off change its styling?

    I am using chrome too, but seems like it wouldn’t be browser-specific… probably has to do with you being signed in on chrome and not firefox?

    “.img a” actually means “any a tag that’s inside of an element with class name ‘img'”… so not what you’re looking for. “.” before a word means it’s a class name.

    “a img” would mean any image tag inside of an a tag, but that is pretty general and it’s usually best to be more specific so as not to mess with things you don’t intend to. But that probably would work for your purposes.

    Thread Starter Drebeltrami


    Sorry, my bad, I don’t mean I targeted , I just used the quotes to mean can’t I use an image tag to assign this button a class. I realize that would be way too generic.

    I’m logged in on FF, not Chrome but it still doesn’t make sense why it’s showing on some pages in Chrome but not all. That I’ll need to go to the developer to resolve I’m sure.

    Any advice on how to tackle this via html in my footer widget?

    Sorry, I mixed up chrome and firefox in my reply. But I viewed in chrome and it wasn’t appearing. The only difference that would matter I think would be you being signed in on firefox that would cause it to show – cross-browser issues probably wouldn’t make something completely not appear so it must be showing only because you’re signed in (sign out in firefox and view it to confirm).

    If I understand you correctly and in your css you tried to fix using:

    .img a { border:0 }

    You have it reversed (the parent element – a in this case – goes first when using spaces like that) and also the “.” is targeting any element with class=”img” instead of an img tag.

    So you can use this:

    a img { border: 0 }

    That will make every img tag that’s inside of an a tag have no border.

    But try my original suggestion:

    .textwidget a img { border:0; }

    This targets any img tag that’s inside of an a tag that’s inside of an element with class=”textwidget” (the button you are targeting is inside of an element with class name “textwidget” so this is more specific).

    Thread Starter Drebeltrami


    OMG, why is it always the simplest solution that escapes me?! ??

    I’m sorry, if you said that earlier I didn’t catch it. That worked like a charm. Border removed!

    I logged out of FF and it appears to be showing on every page but the homepage, so I’ll reach out to the developer to see what the deal is on that.

    Thanks SO MUCH for your help!!

    No problem, I suggested that in a double post a while ago but you were probably busy trying to figure out why it wasn’t showing up, which I pointed out in the first of the two posts. It might seem simple in retrospect and CSS is pretty simple if you know it, but I know that at first it seems like a bunch of gibberish so don’t feel bad ??

    You have something weird going on – it’s not showing up on every page but the home page like you say. On some the first name / email form shows up, on some only the new button shows up and on some both show up. I can’t help you as to why but on for instance it doesn’t appear at all on on the subpages of that it does and the name/email form doesn’t. So good luck with that!!

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