• I had requested support from Events Manager Pro on this but they won’t help since they did not develop the Gateway.

    There are a variety of solutions for PayPal. Based on those I came up with this for Stripe – Can you offer some direction on how to add the value of a field or fields selected by ID to the total of the ticketing checkout?

    Here is what I cobbled together:

    /* confirmed the use of '$EM_Gateway_Stripe' in the Stripe Gateway plugin */
    function my_emp_add_on_charge($stripe_vars, $EM_Booking, $EM_Gateway_Stripe){	
        /* Get value from Field with ID, "donation_amount" */
        $donation_amount = $EM_Booking->booking_meta['booking']['donation_amount']; 
         /* replaced 'paypal' with 'stripe' - obviously not going to work... */
    	if ( !empty($donation_amount) ){
    		$itemcount = (count($EM_Booking->get_tickets_bookings()->tickets_bookings) + 1);
    		$stripe_vars['item_name_'.$itemcount] = wp_kses_data("Donation Amount");
    		$stripe_vars['quantity_'.$itemcount] = 1;
    		$stripe_vars['amount_'.$itemcount] = $donation_amount;
    	return $stripe_vars;



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  • Plugin Author Kirit Dholakiya


    Hi dwcouch,

    Our developer working on plugin to add filter to modify stripe data which sent to stripe gateway. so you can add donation related field to stripe gateway. I will update you once developer made changes…

    Plugin Author Kirit Dholakiya


    Hi @dwcouch,

    Our integration not use order api of stripe to process payment. so your requested filter not possible in plugin. you need to hire developer for your requirement.

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