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  • ellekaie


    You may add fields in Flex. There’s an “Add New Field” section at the right side of Flex page. Click on the dropdown menu to choose the appropriate data type for your field, and click the Add button.

    Thread Starter iainw69


    I see that – thanks. How do I then get that to show up on the listings page as well as the details page?



    In Flex, click the pencil icon to the right your desired field. Choose ‘Show’ in the dropdown menu of Detail Page. It’ll now show on your details page, but not the listings page. I haven’t tried modifying what is shown on each listing on the listings page, so I’ll get back to you if I’ve found a solution.



    Thread Starter iainw69


    That looks like it explains how to search by a criteria and generate the relevant listings rather than add content to the listings page.



    Still can’t find a way to show it in listings page. Let’s wait for Realtyna’s response.

    Thanks for the question, btw. Few moments ago, I was also requested by my client to show a specific content on the listings page.





    ^ Sorry, I don’t think the link above can help. It’s for their other plugin, RPL. But I think you have to edit one of the PHP files of WPL to show a field on the listings page.

    Edit: I found the PHP file.


    Now, where to place the fields.

    Thread Starter iainw69


    Cheers. I’ll take a look!



    I’ve finally displayed the field I wanted! Here’s what I did:

    I searched for the table_column of the field I want to show in [wp_prefix]_wpl_dbst table. For example, the field name I placed in Flex is “Price/sqm”. When I searched it in the wpl_dbst table, its table_column is field_3009.

    I used this code to show the field:

    <span itemprop=”name” content=”<?php echo $property[‘raw’][‘field_3009’]; ?>”><?php echo $property[‘raw’][‘field_3009’]; ?></span>


    Plugin Author Realtyna



    First of all, WPL shows property description in the listing by default but in the row style. Please check this:

    BTW, if you want to include a field in the property listing layout, the only way is modifying PHP files directly but you shouldn’t modify core files, you should override them first in your child theme and then modify the overrode file. Please check this KB article for this:

    Then as ellekadie said in the last reply you should find your desired value in $property[‘raw’] variable and print it to the page.

    If you need rendered value of your desired field, you should set plisting column of that field to 1 in the [wp_prefix]_wpl_dbst table. Then you’re able to find rendered value in $property[‘materials’] variable.

    Realtyna support team

    Thread Starter iainw69


    Great, thanks for that.

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