• Hello

    I’m using wordpress at work to build a website, not a blog. However, it’s not online, nor it will never be, it’s only on our intranet. I need to be able to link local folders directly. Ex:

    Category 1| Category 2
    |> (sub-menu) BANANAS

    (bananas being the folder in my local drive i want to open)
    I can get the sub-menu to show as a parent to Category 1, but i need that BANANAS folder open when i click it.

    I tried adding a link using file://server-name/folder
    but it won’t even add the link.

    Is there any way to do it? Really need that or my whole website won’t work..

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  • it may be because you dont have admin rights, so it wont take. do you have the right creds? if so, make sure privileges are set.

    Thread Starter Dayara


    admin rights where?
    on wordpress?
    or on the computer?

    admin rights to the company server (drive) where the folder is housed.

    Thread Starter Dayara


    yes.. the folders which i am trying to link have permission to all. And i’m in the admin grp of my company.

    i would get with a sys admin then. you may need to map the drive

    Thread Starter Dayara


    the system admin is my boss ^^
    what exactly shall i ask him to do?

    cool,, youre lucky…

    well, since wordpress is installed on your intranet, im assuming its been installed “locally”. is it installed on your workstation pc, or on the network (drive on your server)?

    heres a video on how to install wordpress locally on your pc in case you need to do it over.

    the server is the ideal place to have it installed since your end goal is to allow those on the server to have access to the folder.

    tell your boss,,, well, “ask” your boss if he can map your ‘bananas’ folder to the network drive with full privileges so it can be opened and viewed from within wordpress.

    he will know exactly what to do


    Thread Starter Dayara


    err… we can’t exactly map a 400Gb server of data in use 24hrs a day ^^

    But i don’t think you quite grasped my question. I mean, how come mapping the driver will solve anything? That driver already has permission to everybody in the company…
    My problem is WP actually validating the link i try to give. Per example, if i try to add https://www.google.com to the links, it works like i charm.
    So, in tha example, i put Google URL in “Bananas” submenu and when i click on it, it opens Google right away.
    I just need it to open a local folder, isntead of a internet website.

    hmmm.. stumped on that one then. please do post how you end up resolving this one tho.

    Thread Starter Dayara


    ok… it’s not the solution i wished for, but it’s kinda working for now..
    simply made a php page redirecting to the local folder i wish to.

    just create a new php file, save it in ur htdocs or www folder, and especify that link in the URL.
    example of how it’s done.
    Let’s say i want to link local folder using file protocol. said folder path can be file://whatever/bananas

    i create a php file (i will name it teste.php) and save it on www folder. that php file will have this script, and NOTHING ELSE.

    <script type=”text/javascript”>

    now in WP, indicate the php file u created. (in my example the URL would be //nameofserver/test.php

    it would automatically assume the http protocol, since it’s located inside ur www folder, and the script would redict u to the local folder..

    The only problem of this pseudo-solution is that the browser will now present a blank page, which i don’t want, but i haven’t figured out how to sort that out yet. Some help would be appreciatted.

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