• Resolved WillyWonder


    Great Plugin, thank you.
    When adding a birthday from Profile Page, it apparently uses the “First Name” field for displayed output. As this is not a required field for a profile, it can leave the displayed birthday wish as blank. I recommend using the “Display name publicly as” field of the Profile Page for the displayed output.
    As I am just full of recommendations today, I also recommend that when a birthday is added from the Profile Page that the entry is added to the birthday list (if this is not realistic, is there a way of optioning out of being able to add from the Profile Page).


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  • Plugin Author Sudavar


    Thanks for the recommendations, the first one consider it as good as done.
    Also adding an optioning about WP user profile birthday date is good. And the last one as i think it now, it can be done. So wait for the changes, maybe i ‘ll do them today. Thanks again ??

    Thread Starter WillyWonder


    Sorry, I have another issue with adding a birthday from Profile Page. As an administrator, when I edit a user’s profile, if I add/change the birthday, the widget changes the administrator’s birthday, not the user’s birthday (possibly because I am the wp current user). I have also noticed that when exporting a csv, it does not have any of birthdays added from the Profile Page (probably because it is not part of the birthday list i.e. wp_birthdays sql table). I noticed the information is stored in the wp_usermeta sql table. I assume that also means the widget has to read the entire wp_usermeta sql table on each page I call for the widget.
    I really like the widget and have found additional uses for it. I am testing for possible use as an announcement type tool (including birthdays).
    Is there some code in the plugin I can comment out or remove to NOT offer/allow adding a birthday from the profile page? Thanks for your consideration.

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    If I add/change the birthday, the widget changes the administrator’s birthday, not the user’s birthday

    I thought i fixed that… Will check

    the widget has to read the entire metauser sql table on each page I

    Is there some code in the plugin I can comment out or remove to NOT offer/allow adding a birthday from the profile page?

    In the next version there will be an option in options page that will enable that.

    I have also noticed that when exporting a csv, it does not have any of birthdays added from the Profile Page (probably because it is not part of the birthday list i.e. wp_birthdays sql table)

    That will be fixed as soon as i implement the recommendations in your previous post, sorry for that i still haven’t get to it. Give a couple days and all will be good ??

    Thanks again

    I’ve been using your plugin for a while. I appreciated the recent changes as the “cake option”. It’s nice that you linked your stuff with the wp profile but I had to tweak it a bit to fit my requirements: I’m using Active Directory Sync for my users, so I added a birthDate attribute for my users that is mapped to a “birthday” user meta so that way your plugin catches the user birthday.
    Like WillyWonder, I had a small problem with the “First Name” choice so I did modified a bit your code (in birthdays-widget-ajax-callback.php, L27) and changed “first_name” for “adi_cn” which comes from my AD sync and is perfect for me (that’s where open source counts).
    I don’t know if it is the right place to write this but I hope this could help someone or give you some new idea to go further with your nice plugin.
    Thanks for your work!

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    Guys thank you very much for your support and comments. I just released version 1.5 implementing all the things you wrote.
    This is the change log:
    * Added option to select which WP User’s meta data you like to be displayed as a name
    * Added option to disable integration with WP User Profile
    * All birthdays are now saved in our table, not in wp_usermeta
    * Fixed error when a privileged WP User changed birthdays of other WP Users
    * Fixed error when editing a birthday from the birthday-list
    * TODO now the meta data you wish to display is inserted in our table so if it’s changed it’s not altered in our table, must fix this

    Thanks again, any comments are welcome ??

    Thread Starter WillyWonder


    Thanks for the fun plugin

    Good job! Choice for User’s meta is working fine.
    Despite this, I’ll stick with the 1.4 because I can get the best of both worlds: I’m using user meta data for my Active Directory imported users (if I have a birthday user meta, the plugin is working even if there is nothing for that user in your birthdays table and if I need a supplemental “AD independant” birthday, I just have to fill in your table. I couldn’t get the same result with 1.5 but I do not have much time to spend on that point.
    Anyway, thanks again for the job done !

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    @omerdunor can you try again with 1.5.1? I fixed some “stupid” errors. Either way would you like to elaborate your situation a little more, cause i honestly didn’t understand it (even though i read your post quite some times).

    OK, thanks for taking my posts into account. I tried the 1.5.1 and it is better, birthdays are back. But in my case, 1.4 is still better. I’ll try to give you additional info but I’m not sure you should spend to much time on that because it’s probably not a standard case.
    Anyway, you deserve that info:
    I’m using wordpress (wp 4.0) for an intranet and I’m trying to centralise the user management. So I’m using the Active Directory Integration plugin (v 1.1.4) to import my users in wp.
    In parallel, I found your plugin as a nice little friendly thing to implement on that intranet. So I had to create my users in your birthdays table. This was fine and working. I also tweaked your plugin to use some other user meta data for the display name, and the cake picture (now, you’ve made it available in your plugin).
    But then, I went further, and I configured the AD plugin to import the birth date from the Active Directory into user’s meta data (that’s where extra AD data go). In that way, importing my user’s in wp was sufficient to run your plugin without having to insert any record in your table.
    By the way, if I have an additional user, not in my active directory, I can create it in wp and in your table and it’s working also (that’s the best of both worlds thing).
    So here comes the twist: this is running with V 1.4 but broken with v. 1.5.x
    although as I said earlier with 1.5.1 it is running correctly as far as I create the records in your birthday table (but I loose full auto import from my AD).
    I hope this helps your understanding.
    Anyway, I’m happy with the 1.4 tweaked version, it does all I need.

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    Ok, now i got the point my friend. So you are fine with 1.4 as it saves birthday in wp_user meta fields and not in our table. Then if in 1.5.2 there was an option to pump birthday’s from a WP User’s meta data field (selectable as the name is now) you could achieve what you got with 1.4, right?

    P.S. @willywonder you are not full of suggestions anymore? ??

    Yes, it will probably work for me.
    If I understand, in 1.4 you are using your table to populate a birthday field in wp_user meta fields. As my AD import could also populate that birthday field, I used that way to get a full auto import (users and birthdays).
    In 1.5.x you went the other way, using your birthday table only and that broke the way I use your plugin.

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    Well you are almost right.

    In 1.4 the WP User birthday feature was added. The birthday was stored in wp_meta table and not in our table at all.

    In 1.5.1 we switched and saved every birthday in our table, thus your inconvenience.

    So if in 1.5.2 we implement the changes mentioned above, all’ll be good :D, right?

    Hey, I checked 1.5.2 and it looks almost perfectly the way I would like!
    Real good job. The only thing is the custom birthday cake image option which seems broken (always default picture showing up, despite my alternative choice): I’m sure this is nothing because it was running fine in previous version.
    But for my specific set up with Active Directory integration: everything is now running OK!
    Thanks again for the job !

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    Thank you for your kind words. It’s true that widget’s images has a problem. It’s located in class-birthdays-widget-settings.php line 226:
    jQuery( '#bw_image' )
    should be
    jQuery( '#bw-image' )

    1.5.3, you did it!
    Perfect for me
    Thanks a lot.

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