OK, thanks for taking my posts into account. I tried the 1.5.1 and it is better, birthdays are back. But in my case, 1.4 is still better. I’ll try to give you additional info but I’m not sure you should spend to much time on that because it’s probably not a standard case.
Anyway, you deserve that info:
I’m using wordpress (wp 4.0) for an intranet and I’m trying to centralise the user management. So I’m using the Active Directory Integration plugin (v 1.1.4) to import my users in wp.
In parallel, I found your plugin as a nice little friendly thing to implement on that intranet. So I had to create my users in your birthdays table. This was fine and working. I also tweaked your plugin to use some other user meta data for the display name, and the cake picture (now, you’ve made it available in your plugin).
But then, I went further, and I configured the AD plugin to import the birth date from the Active Directory into user’s meta data (that’s where extra AD data go). In that way, importing my user’s in wp was sufficient to run your plugin without having to insert any record in your table.
By the way, if I have an additional user, not in my active directory, I can create it in wp and in your table and it’s working also (that’s the best of both worlds thing).
So here comes the twist: this is running with V 1.4 but broken with v. 1.5.x
although as I said earlier with 1.5.1 it is running correctly as far as I create the records in your birthday table (but I loose full auto import from my AD).
I hope this helps your understanding.
Anyway, I’m happy with the 1.4 tweaked version, it does all I need.