Hello timdigital,
We can’t enforce it, but it’s not recommended to hide header or footer in display_custom_css. They may be hidden for design reasons, but it’s UX recommended that weather location is displayed (in header) and the detailed forecast is displayed (in the footer).
As for °C we haven’t placed units next to the current temperature, for numerous reasons.
Design – Large unit (i.e. 26°C ) is just plain ugly on the widget.
Usually, there is either hourly or daily forecast displayed – with units.
And it’s highly unlikely that there will ever be 28°F in Bali.
Implementing °C in current condition is not complicated, but more important is the fact that widget’s next version will overwrite old version, and you’be obligated to edit some .php file on every update.
We’d recommend you to use an option that shows either hourly or daily forecast (with units).