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  • Plugin Author Vladimir Garagulya


    Hi Max,

    This plugin uses ‘manage_options’ capability for all its menu items. Giving access to this capability you give access to all “Settings” menu also.


    Thread Starter Maxal


    Hi Vladimir

    Thanx for the reply. I forgot to mention that this plugin does not sit inside the Setting menu of WP. You can see a screenshot here:

    I hope there is some way to make this plugin available to Editors.

    Plugin Author Vladimir Garagulya


    Hi Max,

    this plugin does not sit inside the Setting menu of WP

    I know. But it uses the same capability. You have two way to achieve your goal. Edit plugin code directly, look at line #300 of cool-video-gallery.php:

    add_menu_page('Video Gallery Overview', __('Video Gallery'), 'manage_options', $parent_slug , array( $this, 'gallery_overview'), $this->plugin_url .'/images/video_small.png');
    			add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, __('Video Gallery Overview'), 'Overview', 'manage_options', 'cvg-gallery-overview',array($this, 'gallery_overview'));
    			add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, __('Add Gallery / Upload Videos'), 'Add Gallery / Videos', 'manage_options', 'cvg-gallery-add',array($this, 'gallery_add'));
    			add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, __('Manage Video Gallery'), 'Manage Gallery', 'manage_options', 'cvg-gallery-manage',array($this, 'gallery_manage'));
    			add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, __('Gallery Settings'), 'Gallery Settings', 'manage_options', 'cvg-gallery-settings',array($this, 'gallery_settings'));
    			add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, __('Video Player Settings'), 'Video Player Settings', 'manage_options', 'cvg-player-settings',array($this, 'player_settings'));
    			add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, __('CVG Google XML Video Sitemap'), 'Google XML Video Sitemap', 'manage_options', 'cvg-video-sitemap',array($this, 'video_sitemap'));
    			add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, __('CVG Uninstall'), 'Uninstall CVG', 'manage_options', 'cvg-plugin-uninstall',array($this, 'uninstall_plugin'));
    			add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, __('About the Author'), 'About Author', 'manage_options', 'cvg-plugin-about',array($this, 'about_plugin_author'));

    or use additional plugin – Admin Menu Editor, which allows replace capability for existing menu items on the fly.


    Thread Starter Maxal


    Hi again Vladimir

    Thank for your time again. The Admin Menu Editor which you suggested needs to be a Pro version to do what I want. For the time being if I want to go for the first option, which is editing plugin in code of the video gallery, could you please tell me what I need to do at line#300 to make it available for Editor role?


    Plugin Author Vladimir Garagulya


    At code fragment quoted above (all lines) you may replace ‘manage_options’ string to the string with some other capability name you may add with “User Role Editor” and include to the “Editor” role, like ‘manage_video_gallery’. That is you should have:

    add_menu_page('Video Gallery Overview', __('Video Gallery'), 'manage_video_gallery', $parent_slug , array( $this, 'gallery_overview'), $this->plugin_url .'/images/video_small.png');
    	add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, __('Video Gallery Overview'), 'Overview', 'manage_video_gallery', 'cvg-gallery-overview',array($this, 'gallery_overview'));


    Be aware that after each Video Gallery plugin update you should repeat this modification.


    Thread Starter Maxal


    Hi Vladimir

    Thank you very much, it’s working perfectly. You have been such a huge help. Thanks a lot man ??


    Hi Vladimir

    Great plugin but I am also having a similar problem to Maxal above.

    I want to allow this plugin (that is not in the options menu) available in the editor option to allow the client to access this. See plugin i want to allow client to access here>

    Please can you give me a code or some other solution to this asap.

    PS: I have tried the Admin Menu Editor plugin but this does not work.

    Many Thanks ??

    Hi Vladimir

    Great plugin but I am also having a similar problem to Maxal above.

    I want to allow this plugin (that is not in the options menu) available in the editor option to allow the client to access this. See plugin i want to allow client to access here>

    Please can you give me a code or some other solution to this asap.

    PS: I have tried the Admin Menu Editor plugin but this does not work.

    Many Thanks ??

    Plugin Author Vladimir Garagulya



    At file wp-filemanager.php, line #53, you may find this code:

    function fm_post_add_options() {
    	add_menu_page('FileManager', 'FileManager', 8, 'wp-filemanager/fm.php');
    	add_submenu_page('wp-filemanager/fm.php','FileManager','Configuration',8,'wpfileman', 'wpfileman_options_admin');

    Add with user role editor new capability ‘file_manager’, turn it on for the “Editor” role. Then replace 8 at function ‘fm_post_add_options’ above with ‘file_manager’. That’s it.

    Please, be aware that if person has direct access to the files of your site, this person may easily get full (not ‘Editor’ only) access to your site.


    Hello Vladimir

    First of all, great plugin.

    I have a problem of adding a capability to the role of author for having access to a certain plugin.

    i was wondering if you can point me towards the right direction :

    I want to allow a plugin WP-courseware (that is not in the options menu) available in the author option to allow the client to access this.

    But here is the main concern : how can i prevent authors from seen and editing other authors .

    here is an image of the plugin :

    I hope there is some way to make this work .

    is there a specific file i need to modify or add a code?

    thanks ??

    I think that is user level. A number from 1-10, that determines what other users they can edit.

    Users can edit people with lower numbers, but not with higher numbers.


    thanks max
    the thing is that I will have multiple users with author role, User roles plugin allows them to work with the plugin, but they all can see and share the work ..

    I just want for each author to see their own content … what have they created. NOT SHARE THE WORK OR COPY IT .


    any ideas ?

    Hi Vladimir Garagulya

    I’ve got the same problem as Maxal had and I’ve tried what you suggested with the code that you mentioned to add to line 300 in cool-video-gallery.php and all I’ve got back is PHP code errors.

    Any idea?

    As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

    lognic, I think user levels will do that. User levels of 1 can see:

    – Write Post – create Draft Posts only
    – Posts – Can edit and delete only their own Drafts and view other posts.
    – Categories – View only
    – Comments – View only including commentor’s IP addresses
    — Awaiting Moderation – Can only see the number of comments awaiting moderation. Cannot moderate.
    – Your Profile

    User levels of 2 can:

    User Level 2
    – Write Post
    – Categories – View only
    – Comments – View only including commentor’s IP addresses
    — Awaiting Moderation – Can only see the number of comments awaiting moderation.
    – Your Profile

    I think level 2 is what you need

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