• The addy for my blog is https://www.simplerliving.ca/ When a topic is closed for comments, it displays “No comments.” I would like it to say “Closed for Comments.” How do I add this? The theme does not use it’s own comments.php but rather whatever the default is for WP and below is the code from the index, single page, etc. Any help is appreciated.

    <p class=”postmetadata”><?php the_time(‘F jS, Y’) ?> <!– by <?php the_author() ?> –> | <?php the_tags(‘Tags: ‘, ‘, ‘, ”); ?> Posted in <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?> | <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit’, ”, ‘ | ‘); ?> <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments »’, ‘1 Comment »’, ‘% Comments »’); ?></p>
    </div><p> </p>

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  • You fall down while walking; somebody helps you get up and suggests – ‘be little more careful while walking’. Should you get offended at that? Note that in the example above, the ‘helper’ came without you asking for help, in contrast to this support forum, where we are shouting for help at the top of our voice.

    It’s high time we stop getting ‘angry’ or offended at small things. They say ‘you should not get offended by the occasional kick of the cow you
    milk everyday’.

    Hello Gouri, Krembo 99 et al, I am hoping you can help me as I posted a query but have not, as yet, had the luck of receiving a reply. I am not very good at all with html, so please forgive me for asking any silly questions.

    I have up until a month a go been posting articles, etc, to my wordpress blog – https://BecomingFinanciallySavvy.com, with no problems, until now. I use Disqus as plugin for comments and as I said up until about a month ago it was showing below my post. Now when i post an article it states ‘comments are closed’. When I write my posts i check to makes sure the comments boxes are ticked, which they are but as stated the post comes up with the statement ‘comments are closed’ and when I go back to edit I find that the boxes pertaining to comments is now unticked. I then retick, click updated but still the same statement appears. I am really not sure what to do about it. Any chance you can help and let me know which part of the html code exactly, if any I need to change. Thank you so very much in advance!

    Does anyone know how to turn off “comments off”? I figured out how to take them off the pages which are in the index but I can’t figure out to take them off my posts.

    posts are handled by index.php for the listing of posts, and single.php for individual post view. same edit you did for page.php needs done to the other templates

    This is fairly easy

    but if you still need help use these guys

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